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DACS: Deliverables
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This MQP has produced the following materials:
  • DACS Model 411, an automated, self-contained line-level mixer in a 3-space rack-mount form factor. The prototype unit supports 32 balanced or unbalanced inputs, eight balanced outputs, and eight unbalanced outputs. The prototype can mix 32x4, 16x8, 8x16, or 4x8x4 channels, and is expandible to 32x16 capability.
  • DACS Model 112, a self-contained system control board. Traditional audio controls such as faders and buttons are presented, with the addition of liquid crystal and LED displays. The board provides a powerful, intuitive way to use and program the components of the DACS.
  • Linux backend software, cdaudio_daemon, a software component to provide integration of the audio functionality of computer-hosted compact disc drives with DACS. TCP/IP is employed as a means of communication with other DACS elements, furthering the distributed concept.
  • Linux backend software, midictrl, a software component that brings DACS support to off-the-shelf MIDI packages such as Cakewalk Pro Audio. The software performs appropriate translations to allow bidirectional interoperation between MIDI devices and the subsystems of DACS.
  • Design Specification, this document. This document details the design and development of both the completed and uncompleted portions of the project. The design sections for firmware and software are obvious starting points for expansion and improvement of the project.

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Steve Richardson 2000-07-06
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