Summon Storm
Control Difficulty:Moderate
Alter Difficulty:Difficult
This power must be kept "up."
Required Powers: Absorb-dissipate energy, telekinesis
Effect:This power allows the user to create storm conditions in an area centered on the user with a radius of 500 meters per die of Alter the user (or users, if more than one Force- user is participating) posesses. The user may voluntarily reduce the radius as much as one half the nominal distance. The game effects are driving wind and rain with random lightning. The rain creates 3/4ths cover at all distances and soaks all non waterproof items. Wind creates enough of a distraction that all actions are at -1D. The winds are not powerful enough to move objects greater than 1kg. Lightning strikes are random, but the winds cause a -2D penalty to all piloting checks for vessels flying through the storm. Every ten minutes the storm is maintained, the user(s) must make a Difficult stamina check. If a check is failed, control of the storm is lost and it will dissipate into the normal background conditions. Additionally, all users are fatigued and suffer -1D to all actions and may not move faster than one move per round. This may be removed through Force powers.
This power cannot be used to create unphysical effects, such as rain in a desert or any activity in a vacuum. There will usually be something that will match the effects, either sand or snow so the lack of rain is not an issue.
While not an evil power in and of itself, it is more commonly used by Darksiders. Those who use it with malice or without regard for the danger unleashed on others will recieve Dark Side Points.