Skill Significance

To help gage the relative level of a skill, consult Table 1.1 below:

Relative Skill Levels
1DUntrained, no real skill in it. Below Human average for basic skill level.
2DBasic Human level of skill that someone has done before a few times.
3DHobby level training.
4DMinimum level to be hired for performing skill by professional organization. Bachelor's degree.
5DAdvancing professional level of skill. Master's Degree.
6DAverage level of trained professional who's been working in a field. PhD.
7DVery advanced understanding.
8DFew people have skill at this level. (1 in 1k that are trained) Standout in the field.
9DSome of the best in the field. Understood to be a master.
10DProbably the best anyone will ever meet. 1 in 10k people trained in a skill get to this level.
11DBest on a planet.
12DBest in a system.
13D+Best in a generation.