Returning To The Light
Returning to the Light
In the Star Wars stories, we have seen three examples where someone who had succumb to the Dark Side was redeemed to the light, Darth Vader at the end of Return of the Jedi, Luke in the Dark Empire series, and Ulic in the Tales of the Jedi series by Dark Horse Comics.
To redeem a Dark Jedi, one must show them that the Light is stronger (not just mention it!) and cause them to have a "Moment of Doubt." Each Moment of Doubt causes the Dark Sider to lose a number of Dark Side Points equal to the number of dice that the Light Side character has in his control skill plus 1D to a minimum of 4. As the number of Dark Side Points decrease, the Dark Sider will make Will rolls to break out of the Darkness. This roll can be opposed by character points (they subtract from the total), but every round that the Jedi can show the light is the stronger side, this effect happens. Eventually even the weakest-willed Dark Jedi will break free. True redemption comes with atonement and the former Dark Sider must atone for any remaining Dark Side Points in the usual manner.
In addition, those who leave the grasp of the Dark Side suffer one final retribution of their former patron as they break free.
Force users who have been Seduced to the Dark Side lose a number of Dark Side Points as per the rulebook.
Those who have been Consumed by the Dark Side are much easier to turn back. Since their guilt is what caused them to turn in the first place, helping them to resolve their guilt or to set things right, in an acceptable, justifiable manner, will reduce the character?s number of Dark Side Points to 6. He may not return to the Light until he spends a Force Point in a selfless manner at the dramatically appropriate moment, which he probably had to do to resolve his guilt.
Those who have Embraced the Dark Side are the hardest to turn back to the Light. The number of Dark Side Points they lose, for each "Moment of Doubt", is reduced by a number equal to twice the number of Dark Side Points they received through Calling Upon the Dark Side (which would be either 4, 5 or 6...for Palpatine it would most likely be 6).
Returning to the Light Side of the Force is not an easy task though, once the Dark Side user drops below 6 Dark Side Points, the Dark Side enacts its revenge by taking all of the character's Force Points and character points.
Regardless of how a character was turned, he may not drop below 6 Dark Side Points and re-enter the Light until he proves his commitment to the Light by spending a Force Point in a selfless manner at the dramatically appropriate time (and does not gain the usual two Force Points at the end of the adventure).
If a character turns to the Dark Side a second time, he loses 1D from the attribute or Force Skill of the player's choosing.
The entire purpose of this system is to give the player a sense of what the Dark Side is going to do to his or her character. Just rolling the d6 and taking the character away isn't entirely fair. We don't believe in dictating to a player what they can and cannot do, and telling a player that what they are going to do will earn them a Dark Side Point seems, well... pointless. Players are usually very aware of what their character is doing, and what the conseques will be. Luke did not have some voice-out-of-nowhere tell him that what he was doing was wrong, so the characters really shouldn't be afforded that luxury. This system gives a player ample warning of what is to come for their character, and allows them the opportunity to redeem the character before it is too late. It also makes for wonderful role-playing possibilities.
When you have 1-5 DSP you may begin to atone the cleansing of the corrupting influence of the DS is a long & difficult process & you must be of serious mind while attempting to atone (GM discretion). You must choose your way of atoning based on spiritual belief. (the Jedi usually fast, reflect through ritual & meditation & renew their commitment to live by the Jedi Code & the ways of the Light). When atoning you must actively work against evil from occurring, & follow a base code in creating your personal spiritual atonement process, with the following guidelines:
Reaching each through non-violent solutions when possible
1. Preserve the existence of Life
2. Preserve the right to gain knowledge & enlightenment
3. Preserve the right of peace & harmony
4. Defend the defenseless
Time required: of approximate atonement, all atonement must begin again if a DSP is received during atonement.
1 DSP = 40 days
2 DSP = 60 days
3 DSP = 80 days
4 DSP = 100 days
5 DSP = 120 days