Probability Distortion Weapon

Odds are, that in all other possible universes, you aren't where you are now. Or at least, aren't exactly what you are now. Probability Distortion Weapons shift the histories of an affected region to strongly different timelines. They are vulger super-weapons that have unpredictable effects. They are, however, easier to aim than the weakly acausal effect. They have been observed to be deployed by Dark Swarm elements in orbit over Aysemius.

The area of effect has a 1/r^2 gradient effect, so a glancing blow from a weapon can cause minor changes, such as changing the alloy used in a ship skin (usually an area effect, and it can cause maintenance problems over time), changing someone's hairstyle or skin color, or potentially more humorous effects, such as making the pilot's undergarments spontaneously tunnel one foot to the left. More direct hits will likely kill a person, rearrange ship structure or eliminate it, and direct hits usually result in the removal of the target from existence. They have not been demonstrated within atmosphere at this time.

There is some defense given by Probability Anchoring Screens.