Lure Of The Dark Side

Lure of the Dark Side

If the bonuses granted for having Dark Side Points are used for anything but the purest intent, you receive a DSP for accepting the bonus. The DS may also try to influence your actions... If you refuse the bonus, your difficulties for skills increase +3 per DSP for the intense concentration necessary to drive out the DS. (for Force- Sensitives) Turning to the Dark Side:

When a character recieves a Dark Side Point, the character should make a Will check of difficulty 4x(number of Dark Side Points). For characters that are not Force-Sensitive, they roll 2xWill to resist since they are not as dramatically affected by the Dark Side. If they fail this check, they have been turned to the Dark Side. No Force skills may be used to gain bonuses on this roll. If they succeed, all is not well either. In every opportunity to do harm, cause violence, or work for perosonal gain (depending on how the Dark Side Points were gained), the character must make a Will check of difficulty 5x(number of Dark Side Points) to avoid doing harm or some other action demanded by the Dark Side. As before, non-Force-Sensitives roll 2xWill for this check. As an example of such an action, the character is contemplating throwing a grenade into a bunch of Stormtroopers, even though there are some innocents around. If he failed his Willpower roll, he would throw the grenade, thus having the possibility of injuring some innocent people.

Finally, if the character manages to suppress the Dark Side, it still takes a toll if they have 4 or more Dark Side Points according to the table below.

Table 5.1: Dark Side Penalties
PC beats roll by Character Loses
0-5 1 Force Point or Character Points=(number of Dark Side Points x 3)
6-10 Character Points=(number of Dark Side Points x 2)
11-15 Character Points=number of Dark Side Points
16+ Character Points=number of Dark Side Points x 0.5 (round up)

Down the Dark Path

In turning to the DS (6 or more DSPs?) the majority of how you received your DSP rules how you were turned.

1. CONSUMED by the Dark Side: you took the path of INACTION & have become obsessed with your past inactions & the guilt & fear that have resulted from them. Many consumed go insane from their guilt.

  • You only gain FP when using FP for the DS
  • You gain CP as normal
  • You loose ALL bonuses received from the DS
  • ALL force skills & willpower are frozen at the level when turned (until returning to the Light- if you can...)

2. SEDUCED by the Dark Side: your ACTIONS took you down the path. You become more aggressive, quicker to anger & enjoy the fear created by your intimidation & actions. Retaining your personality with a newfound strength in your confidence. Anakin Skywalker is an example of Seduction.

  • You only gain FP when using FP for the DS
  • You gain CP as normal x 75%
  • You loose ALL bonuses except +1 pip for each DSP you received at the time you were seduced to the DS.

3. EMBRACED by the Dark Side: you have asked for the power of the DS, by CALLING on the DS. You become more aggressive & enjoy seeing fear in others often becoming more calculating & deceptive, holding your anger until the strongest retaliation can be achieved. Much of your personality remains only for its deceptive ability, that may give opportunities to further your newfound power. Emperor Palpatine is an example of being Embraced.

  • You only gain FP using FP in dramatic DS moments
  • You gain CP as normal x 50%
  • You loose ALL bonuses except +1D for each DSP you received when finally being Embraced.