Lightsaber Combat

Control Difficulty: Moderate

Sense Difficulty: Easy

This power can be kept "up."

Effect: To use a lightsaber most effectively, a Jedi learns this power. This power will be dropped if the character has been injured or stunned. If so, the character may attempt to bring the power back up.

If the power is raised, sense is added to the lightsaber skill roll whenever attacking or parrying, and up to control dice may be added or subtracted from the lightsaber's damage. Damage adjustment must be made before the roll takes place.

If the check fails, the power may not be attempted again until the combat is over.

The power may be used to parry blaster bolts. It requires a parry action and the roll must be within five of the difficulty to hit the Jedi normally in order to be eligible to be parried. A bolt may be redirected back at a target, although this counts as another ation. If the bolt is parried, it can be redirected with a successful control check as if the Jedi was firing the weapon. The damage is normal for the weapon that fired it, subject to accuracy bonuses.