Instinctive Navigation

Sense Difficulty:Moderate; modified by Proximity of target location

Required Powers: Direction Sense, magnify senses

This power *has* to be kept "up" until arrival.

Effect: Similar to the Instinctive Astrogation power, but instead of calculating a course between the stars, the Jedi can use their sense skill to navigate between terrestrial based locations. Instinctive navigation is literally letting the Force be your guide, and following its "currents" to your destination. This skill is useful while lost in cave systems, mine shafts and other maze-like networks. If the Jedi succeeds at plotting the course, they only need to generate an Easy survival or navigation/piloting roll. If the Jedi fails, this roll is automatically +20.

This power is different from Direction Sense, as the Jedi not only knows where to go, but which way.