Example Character Creation
Derek is starting a SW:TRPG game. He decides that he wants his character to be able to fly a starship, talk the ears off of customs agents, and shoot stormtroopers really well. He gets a copy of the character sheet from http://www.wpi.edu/~dev_alac/ and prints it out. First he takes his 24D for attributes and distributes them as follows:
3D+2 DEX, 2D+2 KNO, 3D+1 PER, 3D WIL, 2D+2 STR, 3D+2 MEC, 2D+1 CON, 2D+2 TEC
Next, he looks at the skill list and picks out skills. He can take eight Dexterity skills, five Knowledge skills, seven Perception skills, six Willpower skills, five Strength skills, eight Mechanical skills, four Constitution skills, and five Technical skills. He starts with Dexterity and choses: Blaster Pistols, Blaster Rifles, Dodge, Sneak, Vehicle Blasters, knife/dagger, running, and lockpicking. Moving on to the other attributes, he fills in skills for the rest of his character sheet.
Finally, he adds the 20 skill dice to the skills he's picked. He wants to fly really well, so he puts his one 3D skill as Space Transports, giving it a 6D+2. Shooting is also important, so he puts two dice in Blaster Pistols, bringing it up to 5D+2. This leaves him with fifteen skill dice left. In order to Astrogate, he needs Advanced Math at 3D, which requires Math at 4D. So he puts 1D+1 into Math, and 2D into Advanced Math leaving him with 11D+2 in skill dice. He also puts 1D in astrogation, bringing it up to 4D+2 and leaving him with 10D+2 in skill dice. Moving on, he distributes the rest of the dice to Alien Species (+1 to 3D), Space Transports Repair (+2D to 4D+2), Repulsorlift Ops (+1D to 4D+2), Con (+2D to 5D), Sullustan (a language, +1D+2 to 5D), and Bargain (+1D+2 to 5D+2).
Now he goes on to decide that he doesn't need to be Force Sensitive, so he starts with one Force Point and 0/5 Character Points. He's a base Human, so he's got a Move of 10, and that finishes off the basics. He still has to come up with a name, description, personality, and story behind the character, but he can work on that. Also, Derek needs to look over the equipment listings and figure out what he wants his character to have. Finally, everything needs to be run by the Gamemaster for approval. His skills are pretty well balanced, so lets hope he can keep his greed down when selecting equipment so his character gets approved.