Alternate Identity

You have an extra identity, which , to all appearnaces, is legally established. Your finger/retina/nose prints are registered under two different names, you have two sets of licenses, passports, birth certificates, etc. This can be extremely useful for anyone invovled in illegal activities or for concealing a more famous identity. This advantage may be purchased as many times as necessary. While the new identity may have bank accounts, these credits must be supplied from the character's normal accounts. If someone tries to identify you from your prints with no clue as to your name, there is an equal chance that either identity will come up. The search will stop at that point, unless they have reason to believe otherwise. If two or more identities are discovered, the "real" one will likely eventually surface, with all the ramifications therein. If you are working for a government (the Empire or the Republic, and possibly others), the cost drops to 1D or 5cp. A weak identity, as say, "Mr. Smith" who pays only in cash but has no public records costs no points. A temporary identity also is worth no points and is a convenience to be purchased.