2.14.4787 Republic Reckoning

Sept 2 2003 PBEM

There is much waiting and searching for Naronne... again... she's just plain gone. Igashu refuses to give up, and disappears for quite some time. Quindo gets lost a lot, and Elbram seems to be picking up women at the party. Eventually it's time for the debriefing... Igashu still not back yet.

It seems there are 3 planets the Hutts are investigating. Firadus, the site of insurgent force users the Hutts assumed were Jedi. Its entire population of 2 million was move inside of 8 days. Sultro, the site of recent minor uprisings and escapes. Holgram, our destination, and a world where worker unrest is up dramatically. The three planets form sort of a line toward the core worlds of the Hutt Empire.

The time for departure arrives, and Igashu arrives soaked, tired, and frustrated. He's been searching for Naronne this whole time and came up with nothing. During travel Colonel constantly asking what Jedi are capable of and how to fight them. We try to convince them that they simply don't want to fight us.

Quindo: "We're Jedi. All the stories you've heard are mostly true... and that's only about half of what we're capable of." Igashu: "and we're modest."

It is decided that we should give a demonstration to the crew for their own good. They won't believe just words, and we want to make sure when they see a force user, they just leave him or her for us.

Quindo pretends to levitate a blaster from a random soldier in the audience, and fire it at himself using TK. Elbram and Igashu actually handle the lifting and firing in a combined effort, but the soldiers have no idea. Quindo neatly, draws his lightsaber and reflects the bolt back, destroying the pistol. Now that the soldiers know they can't hit us, and that we can take their weapons away from them what next? We decide it would be prudent to show them that they can't hurt us, at least not with small arms fire. Dabai borrows 4 random blaster weapons from random audience members and fires one shot at each of the jedi (Quindo, Elbram, Igashu, and Brojen), who simply Absorb and Dissipate the energy to avoid injury.