bad astronomy. reviews
astronomy, explores some popular misconceptions,
and has a whole page on fox's moon landing
hoax show. pretty spiffy. [via backup brain]
heche engaged . . . to a man! but i thought she liked girls? i
don't understand. [mr. kettle? there's a call from a mr. pot on the black
courtesy phone. . .]
surreal moment of the day, case 6 in a series. godzilla
[king of the monsters] vs. jesus [king of the jews] action playset.
check out his other
auctions as well. especially the "fully inarticulate and posable" klu
klux ken. [via fark]
. . g.i. bond. nice truck.
i can't. . . breathe. still laughing. must. read. oh god. baseball's
revenge of the week. [via kottke]
tiny ninja
theater. [via /usr/bin/girl]
eeeeek! the
suspense is killing me!
benj's gweep plan-o-rama™!
spiffy! benj is my hero.
why i love massachusetts, case 3 in a series. proposal
to follow daylight savings time year round.
ok, this is a little weird. MyRichUncle.com offers an alternative
way to pay for college. they give you money. you commit to paying back a
percentage of your salary. so, you either make out or get screwed, depending
on the job you land. [via fark]
active cursor.
funky. dare i say, spiffy?!? [via 50
more spiffiness over at snout. [via 50 cups]
buy my
personal hatred. just go read the description. trust me. [via mr. pants]
adventures of. . . action item! [via swallowing tacks]
note to self. weblog wannabe has a new
note to self: food.dood.
i see you shiver
with antici. . .
the solitare version of die siedler von catan.
why the human race is doomed, case 34 in a series. "We
didn't think it possible President Bush could speak for so long without
saying absolutely anything of coherence or common sense."
ebert on pearl
harbor: "a two-hour movie squeezed into three hours, about how on
Dec. 7, 1941, the Japanese staged a surprise attack on an American love
what made my day, case 27 in a series. kottke's alternative
this may be one of the saddest things i've ever heard. Father
of Columbine victim says authorities lied.
since i don't know anyone involved in
scaling buildings, here's some info on the gekkomat. [via memepool]
The Chronicles of
George. entertaining tech support stories. [via zoner]
must. see. shrek. really. and
watch the credits for nick walker under layout. and clap for him. oooooh.
they've got toys
and stuff. including the
gingerbread man scene.
you get spanked, then you get spammed." [via heather]
search your family's history at ellis island records. which
would be really really interesting if the damn search would work. . . [via
what made my day, case 26 in a series. Jiang on Bush: 'Confused and unprincipled'.
why the human race is doomed, case 32 in a series. Jiang on Bush: 'Confused and unprincipled'.
just what we need. futher tension.
why the human race is doomed, case 33 in a series. those poor cars. [via
personally, i think this is a lame sort of tribute. but decide
for yourselves. towel day:
a tribute to douglas adams.
i do, however, think that a tribute to him on the 42nd day of the year is a
pretty spiffy idea. [i forgot how much i love to use the word spiffy. i
haven't had cause to in a while. spiffy spiffy spiffy.]
Chubb-Baggins. [via /usr/bin/girl]
names for your s.o. i link to this only because of the 4th to last
suggestion. [via /usr/bin/girl]
it is a Good Day™.
How to Raise
Your I.Q. by Eating Gifted Children by Lewis B. Frumkes. [via fark]
so i've been getting hits from vegas recently, wondering who
could it be. and then i remembered. michelle. so tempting to
visit warm places. . . and so cheap to get to vegas because, well, they
expect to bleed you dry in the casinos.
note to self: check out this link at home, since it's not really
work friendly. i think. big bad
chinese mama. i'm scared. [via mister pants]
you know you're a geek when: andrew
sends along an e-mail with the subject: Kirk and a link to left behind. and you go to
the web page, and all you can think is, "well, where the hell is
he?!?!?" and then you realize, "oh. kirk cameron. not william shatner."
heather points out this entertaining review
of All Access over at the brunching
shuttlecocks. be sure to check out the editor's note.
my sister has requested that i "put this link on your website
gweep thingy pretty please." how can i say no to that? www.ranetides.com. note the pretty
photo. note the photo by. i am a proud big sister.
Spears: Fact or Fiction? [via weblog wannabe]
as drak points out, FEEEEAAAAR!
cool weird site of the day. vector park. [via memepool]
the kaycee
faq. [via metafilter]
another weird cool site. nobody here. [via metafilter]
hog rally comes to
worcester. scary. [via chia]
a daily staple moves on. bye
bye! you will be missed.
a town named beer.
[via fark]
why the human race is doomed, case 31 in a series. "Taylor
suffered liver and abdominal injuries in the accident, though her face was
not marred." good to see we're focussed on the important bits.
emeril sit-com?? for the love of god. [via signal vs. noise]
many times must tokyo be destroyed before you learn??"
the roller coaster database.
"The rcdb is a comprehensive, searchable database with information and
statistics on over 1000 roller coasters throughout the world." oh, i am
going to love this site. [via fark]
no. way. monty
python and the holy grail is being re-released this summer. [via metafilter]
what made my day, case 25 in a series. "holy pink."
x files confirmed for a ninth
season. gillian and robert patrick are signed. duchovny is not. carter's
involvment is unclear. the lone
gunmen series will not return. that's a damn shame.
18610 Arthurdent. [via fark]
why the human race is doomed, case 30 in a series. $5.6
million?!? [via metafilter]
how wicked smaht are you? mensa workout. [via fark]
the monkey rock.
CheesyJesus.com. "truly
god awful stuff." [via memepool]
woah. i am officially confused. backstage pass
to the sir bacon site. there is some weird stuff here. . . [found
roundabout via metafilter, through
a link about doc
ellis' no hitter]
what made my day, case 24 in a series. lower
right hand corner of the comic.
woah. my very own thong page.
more on star
trek: enterprise. [via tom]
there is a clippy game: xtract paperclip.
you get to hit him with rubber bands. and they've got some
gifs. [game via heather]
"Ramirez is
from another planet. He and Pedro Martinez are probably rooming together on
Pluto." -A's pitching coach Rick Peterson
silly game. udder
insanity. [via fark]
been a while. britney news for steve.
getting her own video game. [via fark]
asks the dalai lama if he ever saw Caddyshack. uh. great.
Bakula takes Star Trek helm. hip.
"so long and thanks for
all the fish."
"Feel free to
browse my site. You will find me irresistible." indeed. irresistible is
the first word that came to my mind. because i find men who wear eye
liner irresistible. ok, i made that up. [via seann]
brainiac 69
episode xiii.
i hereby announce a new series. why i love massachusetts, case 1
in a series. Tortoise
called up for jury service.
why the human race is doomed i love massachusetts, case
30 2 in a series. official donut of the
commonwealth. [via metafilter]
why the human race is doomed, case 29 in a series. US to UN: neener neener neener!
the 5k winners
are announced.
cnn sans ads. ny times sans registration. [via metafilter]
magicrobot. [via mr. pants]
allaboutsilverline.com. wild.
boston is actually improving public transportation. go figure.
WiDGets for
IE4. very cool. [via zeldman]
jay and
silent bob strike back trailer. just released, so the page is swamped.
shopping. chiasso. pretty.
[via swallowing tacks]
salad of the future.
Debris by Scott Adams. [via metafilter]
the evil
test. how evil are you? the questions are great, but the final choice
for number 18 is the best. [via fark]
american movie. there
are no words. just see it.
what made my day, case 23 in a series. dark
this is beyond dooming the human race. the world is coming to an
end. Professor
set to 'control' wife by cyborg implant. [via fark]
brunching shuttlecocks
presents the web's
hottest sites.
my sallye ander order
arrived. the whole box smells girlie and pretty. they do indeed make
terrific soaps. and they are inexpensive. and they are a little independent
manufacturer, which is great. all handmade and natural. and they are located
in the little bitty town i lived in as a baby. [aaaaaw.]
"may the forth be with you."
once again, i must point out that cdbaby is fabulous. indeed.
ok, this is the best search request i've ever gotten. it led
someone to the september.2000 edition of the eb,
where all of the words show up, but none of them are related to each other.
the search? "thong shake contest." i don't know what one is, but damn. i
want one.
what made my day, case 22 in a series. "a face like an
angry prune." what a great description.
[ps. you're still a big jerk for being in hawaii
[pps. we're taking you to the centre street cafe when you get
why the human race is doomed, case 28 in a series. no singing at
summer camp. [via backup
News Graphic Shows Bush in Riflescope Crosshairs. the clip. [via fark]
the jill austin
band's new cd is available at cdbaby.
91 in
boston today. and to think, just 2 weeks ago, it was snowing.
sushi, smoke all you want. [via fark]
dispatch, where you can smite your enemies. [via memepool]
good grief.
henchman for
d&d. i don't get it. [via /usr/bin/girl]
le gamin. mmmmm.
booty! argh!
"I believe that what doesn't kill us
makes us bitter. I believe that the obsessive worship of movie, TV and
sports figures is less likely to produce spiritual gain than praying to
Thor. I believe that Larry was a vastly underrated Stooge. . . "
chengwin. right. [via mr. pants]
apparently, somebody has a
crush on me. my firewall prevents me from finding out who. so, fess up.
damnit. [update: spam spam spam spam. move along. nothing more to see here.]
it's ben and
jerry's free cone day! mmmmmmmmice cream.
we won we won! we kicked
the butt of the best team in baseball*. booyeah!
seen on a bumper sticker: Christians aren't perfect, just
diggit! the image search
engine. pretty fabulous. check it out. and loan benj a few bucks if you've
got them.
re: the AI thing. andrew points out that
imdb is listing the sites as they
become known. hip.
*best team in baseball distinction is based soley on their record [which is amazing at 20 and
6] and not personal opinion. thankyou.
ooooh. nifty. Bizarre Web game pops up to
promote Spielberg's "AI".
Fun with
Grapes - A Case Study. "The sparks began approximately 5 seconds after
the microwave was started. Approximately 3-4 seconds after that, the force
of the sparks separated the grape halves by approximately 1.5 cm, ending the
theatrical effects." [via heather]
design a
pirate. argh. [via tom, who points out that one
of them has a monkey named stiffie]
"Greetings. I would
be charmed to play a song for you on my cymbals... in exchange for your
IMMORTAL SOUL." be sure to magnify. [via
tom, who passed this one along especially for seann]
happy may day.