Quoth the Dragon:

Anyone seen $10 million laying around...
I think in another life I dropped it.

Quoth Dawn:

testing, testing. . .

is this thing on?

(hi drak!)

Quoth Dani:

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Quoth M-Squared:

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Quoth Heather:

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Quoth Danarchy:

Holy crap, The Plan-O-Rama is still working!

Quoth Keith:

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Quoth Chia:

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Quoth the Frog:

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Quoth Shadohrt:

Not quite dead yet.

Quoth Dibble:

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Quoth the Mouse:

Dawn, I like the bebe names.  How 'bout

Itsal Ives

It works better if you say it fast and cackle.

plans change

Quoth Medicus:

The Cake is a lie!

Quoth Honeysmack:

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Quoth Steve:

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Quoth Jessica:

Damn...I should read the plan more often!

Congrats Steve and Marybeth!!!
I now know 3 people who got engaged in December!  Craziness!  
Have fun wedding planning!

Quoth Jony:

[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Quoth Vanguard:

This is the exact type of thinking I hoped would happen if the Republicans
got trounced in the election.  They need to reinvent.  Governor Tim
Pawlenty of Minnesota seems to start to get it...

"We cannot be a majority governing party when we essentially cannot compete
in the Northeast, we are losing our ability to compete in Great Lakes
states, we cannot compete on the West Coast, we are increasingly in danger
of competing in the mid-Atlantic states, and the Democrats are now winning
some of the western states," he said. "That is not a formula for
being a majority governing party in this nation."

"And similarly," he went on, "we cannot compete, and prevail, as a
majority governing party if we have a significant deficit, as we do, with
women, where we have a large deficit with Hispanics, where we have a large
deficit with African-American voters, where we have a large deficit with
people of modest incomes and modest financial circumstances. Those are not
factors that make up a formula for success going forward."

Mr. Pawlenty spoke of the two main lines of thought. "One perspective
is, the Republicans lost their way," he said. "There will be calls,
and voices across the country for Republicans to return to traditional
conservative approaches in almost all respects."

"A second viewpoint will be the country's changing a lot," he
said. "The country is changing culturally, demographically,
technologically, economically, and the like. And the Republican Party
isn't changing in a way that reflects those major, or macro changes
across the country."

"And so there will be a call from these voices to quote unquote
'modernize' the party," he said.

"The good news is both are true, and both can be harmonized in my view,"
he said. "We can be both conservative and we can be modern at the same

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