eventual blog
dawn's veritable cornucopia of simple harmonic motion


rain pounding on your door


smoking kills


they will never know it is me


heather brings my attention to an eb entry from 4.15.2003. wacky. i wonder if it would work with the lotto numbers. . . .


bill simmons on the red sox.

i hate the coffee at work

i am reading your mind

in other news, i've mostly migrated over to livejournal. because it's what all the cool kids are doing. or something. i'm not totally abandoning the eb, but i'm not entirely sure how my time and posting will split between the two.


in the same boat

the plan. this one cracks me up because you can see the evil look in the robot's eyes as he rubs his hands together, and almost hear the "mwahahahaha!"


i can't be trapped


marching and chowder. what a swell idea. order gourmet take-out from your computer at work, pick it up in south station on the ride home. awesome.


the glass is half full


espn page 2 presents diaries of the diehards - one from a sox fan, and one from a yankees fan. pretty entertaining.


just in time for earth day. co-op america and responsible shopper. nifty resources.


espn's page two on johnny damon's hair. most of the article is meh, although there is this lovely quote: "Boston fans. . . showed up over the weekend wearing wigs and fake beards and calling themselves 'Damon's Disciples.'" beautiful.

another espn page two writer takes on johnny's hair.


fire and ice

+ dawn(at)gweep.net

a collection of web silliness for my amusement +
a collection of web silliness for the amusment of my friends +
if you came here from a recent search and cannot find what you want, try looking through the archives. or, head over to google and search for "eventual blog whateveritisyouareseaching for." if you still can't find it, i don't have it. go away. +

what else?
go home +
my ever changing .plan +
benj's gweep plan-o-rama +

backup brain +
bluishorange +
cardhouse +
fark +
50 cups +
kottke.org +
little.red.boat +
me(ish) +
megnut +
memepool +
metafilter +
mr. pants +
the morning news +
signal vs. noise +
/usr/bin/girl +
very big blog +
what's new, pussycat? +
wockerjabby +
zeldman's daily report +

where else?
+ background via Wonderflight Graphics

december.2003 thru march.2004 +
july thru november.2003 +
april thru june.2003 +
january thru march.2003 +
december.2002 +
november.2002 +
october.2002 +
september.2002 +
august.2002 +
july.2002 +
june.2002 +
may.2002 +
april.2002 +
march.2002 +
february.2002 +
january.2002 +
december.2001 +
november.2001 +
october.2001 +
september.2001 +
august.2001 +
july.2001 +
june.2001 +
may.2001 +
april.2001 +
march.2001 +
february.2001 +
january.2001 +
december.2000 +
november.2000 +
october.2000 +
september.2000 +
august.2000 +
july.2000 +
june.2000 +
may.2000 +
april.2000 +
pre.blog +

content and design ©2001-2004 dawn m varacchi-ives
[unless otherwise noted]

Last Modified: 03/17/2005 08:28:06