Words Of The Oracle
After the Cataclysm (the one caused by The Oracle Valzerian's failed bid for power), the gods tried to restore the link to Ur and Eth, and were met only with failure. Urlaneth sought another way--he knew the gods' power was needed, but that power was no longer unto the gods. He tricked the gods, convincing them to craft items of power to suck the magic out of Lannent. They invested the last of their power into the items and faded from the world.
Urlaneth created the lock and set Valzerian to guard it as punishment for his "crimes". He used the last of his power to create the lock, and he vanished from the world as well. If all the keys are brought to the lock with enough power, the conduit reappears. 100 generations have passed since the keys would have had enough power to do so.
Magic calls to magic, all in all and one in one.
The Keys of Power
- Eorith (Devastation's Rod)
- It is in a gathering of light and health; it drinks in light. Was entrusted to the bodiless in the scarred place with the Olkan.
- Alaera's heart (Desire's Ruin)
- With the Faer (fair?) and unfaer (unfair?) in the Tower of Song, kept safe by men, where music did reside and love has never been.
- Ormeth's Key (Stone Storms)
- Sank beneath the wind and wave. Given to the last people of water and earth. (Possibly the island in the Mist Sea that sank during the Cataclysm? Given to the few descendants/survivors?)
- Face of Ysaeniver (Sanity's Echo)
- Intersecting planes of light and shadow, showing all choices. Bound by chains of Sorrow in a room with nine-hundred windows.
- Rhionia's Mask (Luck's Misfortune)
- Weavers warded (That means big, intelligent spiders, guys.) Deep in shadow's life in a cave of the tip of the lily.
- Mallyn's Puzzle (Twilight's Trap)
- Thrice bound, thrice chained, thrice cursed. Within as without on giant's shoulder where Death cries. (We think it's the book, or at least, the book is part of it. You can all thank me later.)
- Helbameth's Tomb (Ambition's Breath)
- Where moon is sleeping, weeping iron tears on shining wall. (Xartalca?)
- Ilirith's Banner (War's Bonds)
- South among tribes of blood and bone. Righteous anger leads not to righteous rage. Hung on the tree where doves go to die. (Selikae?)
Unto each race was given remembrance; some remember better than others.