Duke Heinrich Von Kalanth Duluth Von Der Meihden Smith
Ist dis nicht ein Heinrich's gut?
Ja, das ist ein Heinrich's gut
Ist dis nicht ein Heinrich's butt?
Ja, das ist ein Heinrich's butt.
Heinrich's gut, Heinrich's butt
Oh du schoene, oh du schoene
Oh du schoene Schnitzelbank!
Ist das nicht ein HeinrichvonKalanthDuluthVonDerMeihdenSmith?
Ja, das ist ein HeinrichvonKalanthDuluthVonDerMeihdenSmith.
Ist das nicht ein incredibly long name to have to try and say?
Ja, das ist ein incredibly long name to have to try and say
... Heinrich's gut, Heinrich's butt
Oh du schoene, oh du schoene
Oh du schoene Schnitzelbank!
Heiny, as he is affectionately nicknamed, dwells in Kardia City with his switch-hitting wife Maranilla. He was originally from the land of Agnosia. Heiny is the former sugar daddy of Eriola. Nobody ever wants to invite him to parties, because the name place-settings cost extra. On the plus side, by popular convention he's never required to give his middle name, Gazundheitoshitahrustilritingthis.
However, he is quite wealthy, and a foreigner to boot, so while the better families in Kardia City will not ackowledge his existence, many of the unlanded Lords and Ladies frequent his home, as they can stay on as guests for months before he asks them to leave.