A classifier was constructed to detect each of the following images (figure 5) under any combination of translation, rotation and scaling.
The classifier is designed around a simple object-oriented framework for calculating moments developed explicitly for this project. To facilitate the design, an object-oriented Image class and a number of image processing functions programmed by the author under various prior grants were employed: a 3x3 Sobel edge operator, a 2D smooth scaling routine, and a 2D smooth in-plane rotation algorithm.
As an initial verification step, translation independence was
verified. Testing on 444 translations of the image of the knife
within a 128x128 image,
were found to remain
quite constant. As a measure, the difference in the order of
magnitudes of the standard deviation for each M to the mean for each
M (
is presented in table
Having established translation independence, Hu's seven invariant
functions were tested for rotation independence. Data sets containing
images of the knife, cleaver and scissors rotated at every from
were constructed. The first twenty five
entries in the data set for the knife are shown below in figure
Although the results indicated wider distributions, a histogram of the results for the M1 moment invariant function indicates that a classifier is easily constructed for this data using only the M1 evaluation (figure 7).
From left to right, the peaks in figure 7 correspond to the knife, the pair of scissors, and the cleaver. By simply placing two boundaries, one midway between 22,000 and 26,000 and another between 26,000 and 48,000, a classifier is constructed that has no probability of error for this training data, using only M1!
As a final test, we seek to use expressions
to obtain translation, rotation and scale independence. A large
training set for each of the three target images was constructed to
have ten scale variations from 1.0 to 0.1 for each of the angles
represented in the prior training data, a total of 72 angles times
10 scale factors = 720 images for each target.
Figure 8 shows the results for the M2' invariant function, indicating that although the separation is reduced between target classes, a zero probability of error classifier could still easily be constructed.