The 2K/4K/8K/12K/16K Bankswitching ROM Cartridge Emulator (aka RAMCart) for the Atari 2600 VCS |
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Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 03:08:32 -0500 Subject: [address removed]requestinforonHappykart for atari 2600vcs video game cartidge Yes I wanted to ask You a favor. My Name is [name removed] and I am having a bit of a problem to get certain video games cartidges called Prototypes video game cartidges. What I have done is I have gotten some of The screenshots of The Original Images from The Actual video game Pictures stills of The rom Images. Now they are only still pictures like Monster cise, Peek a boo Good Luck charlie brown, certain Titles That I do have The screen Images. I was wondering When Are You going to Release The Happycart? Will it be release This fall? Or comming Later in The fall in October 1999. You see I do have some of The Screenshots but I donot have all of The Screenshot for The atari 2600 vcs. If You going to release The Happycart I would like to purchase The Happycart. I do have The Still Image of The video games. I need You to email Me if You want Me to make a copy and provide a copy of The original title. I will help You out if You want to goahead and email Me as fast as quickly as possible. Also if You do get The 2600 happycart working can You goahead and atleast try to get The Happycart release. You see I AM Having a hard time in finding these Prototypes video games cartidges like tempest,Cloak and dagger,Save Mary,monster cise andpeek a boo and miss piggys wedding,good luck charliebrown. The Only ones I wasnot able to get is I was not able to get cloak and dagger and Turbo,put out by coleco for atari 2600. Zookeeper and swordquest airworld AND ALSO LADYBUG FOR THE ATARI2600. WITH WHITEWATER MADNESS. I AM JUST SORRY THAT I COULDNOT GET A PICTURE OF THESE VIDEO GAMES. I HOPE YOU ARE COMMING OUT WITH THIS 2600 HAPPYCART AND I HOPE IT IS COMPATIBLE WITH THE ATARI 2600 VCS. IS THE HAPPYCART COMPATIBLE WITH THE ATARI 2600 UNIT? How do You hook it Up to The Computer to The computermodem? How will it work? Will it work 100% with no defects? Will The system work 100%? WILL THE 2600 HAPPYCART BE ABSOLUTELY FOOLPROOF WITH NO TECHNICAL PROBLEM? If You market This Happycart I will support The Happycart if You show Me how it works and How do You Hook The Happycart from The Modem to The atari 2600? I Would also need instructions how to work The video game of The Happycart? I would need to Know how to attach each attachments to The 2600. Do You hookup The Modem from The computer to The Happycart in order to do this I would need instructions in how to hookup everything where There should also be a garunteed That The Happycart willnot shut My Computer down where it willnot erase The data. I would have to be garunteed That The video game cartidge of The Happycart will work 100% with no defects and it willnot shutdown My atari 2600 vcs Unit. Until I see Until I get proof of That The Happycart will work. I would have to see somekind of Demonstration. I would have to find out That I Would have to see somekind of videotape showing That The Happycart will work. I would have to have somekind of garunteed of a live demonstration on Showing How The Happycart works and how do You hookit Up to The 2600? If You need the images I can send them to You The ones that I do have. I would have to make a copy and send to You. I need Your complete name address,citystate and zipcode and a Phone Number to contact You. In fact everyonce of a while there are special convention being held in Dallas,TX SOMETIMES THERE ARE COMPUTERS AND SOFTWARE CONVENTION BEING HELD IN DALLAS. BUT IF YOU HAVE THE ITEMS INSTOCK PLEASE GET THE HAPPYCART RELEASE SOON. BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR SOMETHING LIKE THIS TO COME ALONG. WHAT I WANTED TO SEE IS A SEPERATE FOUR VERSION MULTICART LIKE A CARTIDGE THAT FITS LIKE VOLUME ONE ATARI PROTOTYPES VOLUME 2 PARKER BROTHERS UNRELEASE VERSIONS CIRCUS CHARLIE,THE INCREDIBLEHULK MC.DONALDS TWO VIDEO GAME FORMATS, THE LORD OF THE RINGS JOURNEY TO RIVENDELL,STARWARS EWOKS ADVENTURE THE COLECO TITLES FOR ATARI 2600 OR RELEASE THESE ALL OF THESE TITLES IN ONE VIDEO GAME CARTIDGE OF THE HAPPYCART. YOU CAN EMAIL ME AT [email address removed] REQUEST INFOR ON THE happykart atari 2600. I Have been waiting for someone to come out with a completed video game of The Happykart. Please contact Me as fast as quickly as Possible. I sure do Thank You very very much. If You do come out with This Product it may Help very very much. I hope You come out with it either in Sept or Oct Pretty soon. I just cannot wait. If it works 100% I will be very very interesting in Purchasing The Happykart. Please respond as fast as quickly as possible.
NOTE: "Atari," "2600," "Asteroids", the Yar's dude, and "Happy Drive" are most likely trademarks of somebody. I don't know who owns what anymore, but I certainly don't claim to own those trademarks. I'm merely paying homage to my formative years, here. Activision is definitely not defunct, and I give them every bit of credit they deserve for producing amazing products then and now. "Mike" and "Steve" are trademarks of their respective parents - all rights reserved.
HappyCart, HappyCart BSW2000, and HappyExplorer are Copyright © 1998-2000 Stephen S. Richardson and Michael J. Andrews (FLEX Cybernetics/Hackerware). |