
About :: Benj Lipchak :: Part II
While at DEC a couple of my coworkers and I started an online game company,
Specular Dreams. This was my first start-up learning experience. We spent
the entire time coding, and only the rare moment thinking about how we'd
generate revenue. It's a shame, because SpecMines and SpecTillery were fun!
I met Mandie in 1994. She was a year behind me in high school at WRHS.
We lived together for quite a few years before getting married in August 1999.
On the way to my bachelor's party, another ex-DEC friend of mine and I decided
to do a start-up. [Insert foreshadowing here.] Mandie left me and headed for
Portland, OR in the winter of early 2001. She asked for a divorce and I gave her one.
Bulldozer Software is my start-up. We have created an image search engine,
Diggit!, which lets you search for images based not only on keywords, but also
on their visual characteristics. The dot-com crash and overall economic
depression has kept us well under-capitalized despite our best efforts.
Update: Diggit! was taken offline in July, 2001, and now Bulldozer has dissolved.
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