
Interests :: Benj Lipchak
I've got many interests, both geek and non-geek. Here are a few I can think of
off the top of my head:
- Camping - Reminds me how comfy my real bed is
- Canoeing - This took a back seat to kayaking
- Eating - Who says vegetarians have a hard time finding good food?
- Geocaching - Hiking with a mission!
- Gweeping - I've obsessively kept up with slackware-current since '94
- Hiking - My dream is to hike the entire Appalachian Trail piece by piece
- Kayaking - This was my new summer hobby
- Legos - Damn start-ups have kept me from playing with MindStorms!
- Photography - I used to take my Maxxum 9xi everywhere...
- Playing - piano (badly) and guitar (even worse)
- Reading - I'm a slow reader, which makes this a very inexpensive hobby!
- Singing - Only to myself, unless you're within earshot of my shower
- Talking - I don't mean on the phone... more like all night at Caffe Dolce
- Theatre - My life during high school and college in between taking exams