All Good Things...
After being outdated for a few years, now, I've finally
updated my web pages. Less graphical for faster loading and less
complexity (which is always a good thing, as there's enough complexity in life
as it is).
The main purpose of these pages is more of a "self consistency" thing rather than a "Hey, check me out everybody!" thing. You'll have to email me if you want an explanation of that. Although, reading between the lines might give somewhat of an idea what I'm like for folks who wouldn't have otherwise gotten to know me.
For those interested, feel free to check out my quasi-famous .plan file. It consists of quotes acquired by myself throughout the years on various topics from various individuals.
By the way, this site is still under construction. Just wanted to get the bulk updates out of the way, now I need to pretty it up. For instance, my background is boring. Next, I can't figure out how to get the damn text to compress when you change your browser size, but that's probably because I suck. FYI, I keep a LiveJournal where I often ramble on about current activities. To be found
here. |