Shifty's Elektron Machinedrum SPS-1 Info
Hi! This page is a result of my tedious attempts at what
many may call stupid tasks....e.g. figuring out exactly what
frequencies the Machinedrum generates. Well, I have a lot of
fun doing this stuff, and I put it up here, so you can have
a laugh, too....or maybe even put the information to good use
making music!
NEW color pictures now available!!!
Table that lists the pitch (PTCH)
settings to get frequencies on the scale for 10 different Machinedrum instruments!
In outrageous New England Autumn Fireworks colors!
Same information as above, but in a simple text file.
Same information as above, but the original .xls (spreadsheet file).
Details of Frequencies Generated by TRX machines
Frequencies generated by TRX BD
Frequencies generated by TRX RS
Frequencies generated by TRX XC
Frequencies generated by TRX CL
Frequencies generated by TRX SD
Frequencies generated by TRX XT
Details of Frequencies Generated by EFM machines
Frequencies generated by EFM BD
Frequencies generated by EFM XT
Frequencies generated by EFM SD
Frequencies generated by EFM CP
Frequencies generated by EFM HH
Frequencies generated by EFM RS
Perl Script used to generate data
Strange diversion:
EFM RS generates (American) DTMF/Touch-Tone signals!!!
Snackmaster MP3's.
My music, mostly using an MD!
Zero Zillion's Cool MD Guts Pix
Elektron's Machinedrum Homepage
Yahoo Group
Death Synthe
Shifty's home page