Where to get Parts

I am interested in short-circuiting the subliminal matrix and building a Synthesizer of Death...How do I do it?

Go Here

How do I get myself the EZ-Kit Lite?

  • You can order one from Analog Devices by calling (603) 578-5230. The price will be $89 until Jan 31st, 2002. Then it will go up to $245 (according to a list member in the know).
  • The webpage here: is newark who has 79 in stock (1/28/2002) at a price of $105.65. Who knows if their price will go up soon, too!!!
  • You can call Pioneer Electronics, an electronics distributor in Concord, MA. Here is the number: 1(800) 225-8344. When they answer, you want to ask for Debbie. The part number is ADDS-21XX-EZLITE. The cost will be $90, with shipping and handling. My last order of 3 was in January 2000.

    Where do I get the chip for a MIDI<->RS-232 converter?

    The chip is a MAX232CPE. They are available just about any electronics catalog (alas, not radio shack). There are also many simliar chips which will work, but with e.g. different capacitor values, etc. Here are my recommended sources:
  • get a free sample from Maxim! The part number is MAX232CPE for the 16-pin DIP package.
  • Order it from Digi-Key! part number MAX232CPE-ND. price=$3.31

    Where do I get the optoisolator chip for a MIDI<->RS-232 converter?

    you need a 6N138 in 8-pin DIP package. These are available just about *everywhere*. Here is my recommened source:

  • Digi-Key Part number 6N138QT-ND. Cost $1.00. You can get them many other places, too.

    Where are all of these Palm Pilot programs?

  • Handheld-music community is here
  • DSPLoad is here
