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v3.0 User's Manual

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Table of Contents
Basic Usage
Notes Screen
Sample Modification
Song Editor
*.pack files
Making Good Kits
Releasing Kits
*.skin files
*.vrm files
*.avr files
Super Flavor
Font Files
File Formats
.kick files
Appendix A - Release Testing
Appendix B - Credits
Appendix C,D,E - Skin-Making Software

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At any time, Select can be pressed to get help.
Basic Usage
Dpad moves the cursor up/down/left/right (wraps around edges)
X places a hit. Press again to make an accented hit
O erases a hit, or turns an accented hit into a regular hit
Left/Right trigger = change pattern
Triangle + left/right trigger = change tempo (BPM)
Start = start/stop pattern playback
Square + left trigger = copy a pattern
Square + right trigger = paste a pattern
Triangle + dpad right = toggle track mute
Triangle + dpad left = toggle track solo
Analog stick up + right trigger = copy pattern to next empty pattern
Dpad left/right + left/right trigger = accelerated cursor movement
The analog stick moves from screen to screen:
Analog down = move to lower screens (Song, Sounds, Notes, Files)
Analog up = move to pattern editor
Analog left/right = move between screens (wraps around)
Files <=> Sounds <=> Song <=> Notes <=> Files
Sample Modification
These functions work in almost every screen.
If the cursor is on a note, the changes affect only that step:
Square + analog up/down = change current step's volume
Square + dpad up/down = change current step's pitch
If the cursor is not on a note, the changes are pattern-wide:
Square + analog up/down = change current sample's volume
Square + analog left/right = change current sample's pan
Square + dpad up/down = change current sample's pitch
Square + circle = reset current sample's volume, pan and pitch

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Notes Screen
Dpad left/right = move cursor left/right
Dpad up/down = raise/lower note by half-step, if cursor is on a note
Dpad up/down = move from track to track, if cursor is not on a note
Square + dpad up/down = raise/lower current note by octave
Triangle + left trigger = delete step, slide rest of track to the left
Triangle + right trigger = insert note, slide rest of track to the right
Triangle + dpad up/down = change tracks, even if cursor is on a note
Square + analog up/down = change step volume
Square + left trigger = copy note with volume
Square + right trigger = paste note with volume
Circle on empty step = preview sample
Left/Right trigger = change pattern, following the song playback cursor if song is playing
Left/Right trigger = change pattern, following the song edit cursor if song is not playing
Dpad left/right + left/right trigger = accelerated pattern switching (+/- 5 patterns)
Sounds Screen
O = preview sample
X = change sample
While changing samples:
Dpad left/right = select samples
Dpad up/down = change sample directories
X = keep the new sample
Triangle = back out the change
You can also use Square controls to modify pitch, pan and volume
Song Editor
The bottom row of numbers show the position in the song
The top row of numbers shows the pattern number to be played at each step
Dpad left/right = forward/backward through the song
Dpad up/down = change pattern number at that position
X = set song start position
O = set song end position
Analog stick down + start = start song playing where edit cursor is
Left/right trigger = scroll through song, update pattern at top
Square + left trigger = copy pattern number
Square + right trigger = paste pattern number
Triangle + left trigger = del pattern from song
Triangle + right trigger = insert pattern into song
Dpad left/right + left/right trigger = accelerated cursor movement

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Files Menu
Dpad = navigate menus
X = execute menu item
Load song - scans songs directory for *.kick files.
Up/down to scroll through them
X = load song
Triangle = cancel
Save as .kick - saves pattern, song, soundpack, and skin in a .kick file
X = save
Left/right = move cursor
Up/down = change letter
Square = delete letter
Triangle = back out
Save pattern as .wav - saves current pattern to patterns/songname_patternxx.wav
Save song as .wav - saves entire song as CD quality .wav file to songs/songname.wav
Save song as .mid - saves entire song as .mid file to songs/songname.mid
Load sound pack - scans soundpacks dir for *.pack files.
Up/down = scroll through names
X = load it
Triangle = cancel load
Load skin - scans through "skins" dir for *.skin files.
up/down = scroll through names
X = load it
O/triangle = cancel load

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Soundpacks are stored in the soundpacks/ directory.
Each soundpack has a filename called *.pack, e.g.
rel100.pack, avtomat.pack, shifty.pack, nullsleep.pack
Each *.pack file has a list of drum numbers and sample names:
drum01 kick/kickburnt.wav
drum02 noise/goodsmash.wav
drum03 hat/zighat.wav
Notice each samplename is comprised of a directory name (e.g. kick/ ) and a samplename (e.g.
kickburnt.wav). It's very important to keep them organized this way, because you can Audition
Samples: cursor around on the sample names and change drum sounds. You can move on top of a
snare, hit X, then left/right to hear all of the different snares. Pressing up/down changes from snare
to another type of drum. When you find what you like, hit X again to load it and keep writing your
song. Or O to cancel loading. This feature would not work if the directories were not organized.
All of the samples are stored in soundpacks/drums/
Inside soundpacks/drums/ are a number of directories for organizing the samples.
1/soundpacks/drums>ls -l
total 1088
drwxrwxrwx 1 carbondi admin 768 24 Jul 22:58 bass/
drwxrwxrwx 1 carbondi admin 32768 26 Jul 14:51 beep/
drwxrwxrwx 1 carbondi admin 32768 26 Jul 14:51 bell/
drwxrwxrwx 1 carbondi admin 32768 26 Jul 14:51 clap/
and inside each of those dirs are a number of samples for your soundpack-making pleasure.
total 448
-rwxrwxrwx 1 carbondi admin 79596 8 Jul 12:21 808Clap.wav*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 carbondi admin 127736 26 Jul 14:51 emptyclap.wav*
total 576
-rwxrwxrwx 1 carbondi admin 38900 24 Jul 22:58 cymdist.wav*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 carbondi admin 127692 26 Jul 14:51 nervouscymbal.wav*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 carbondi admin 83920 18 Jul 18:15 revcymbal.wav*
BTW samples must be <= 128KB in size or they'll get truncated!
They must also be 44.1KHz 16-bit, stereo Windows PCM .wav samples or they will sound too fast or
too slow.

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Making Good Kits
Making good kits is an art. Here are some critical points:
1) Play with the kit and see how well it works.
2) Make sure all the samples sound approximately the same volume. Samples with high-pitched
content have to be smaller in amplitude (quieter) than others. E.g. Kick samples can reach the top
and bottom of your sample editor window, but snares should only be about half that height. Hi-hat
samples also should be a little quieter than kicks.
3) Make sure the order of the samples makes sense. So far, there has been a convention to put
kicks at the top, followed by snares below, followed by hi-hats, then toms, then whatever. Weird stuff
usually goes in the bottom row. If you follow this convention it'll make it easier for people to use your
kit and especially to use your kit with different songs.
4) Consider including multiple types of some instruments. One of the most important sounds in a kit
is the snare. To a large extent, it determines the style of music. If you include 2 or 3 snares in your
kit, then it becomes a flexible kit.
5) Play with the kit and see how well it works. Don't release it until it sounds good in a song. (Yes,
this is the same as #1).
Releasing a kit/Installing a Kit
For maximum smoothness, there is a way to package your kit that makes it
simple for everyone to install.
What you want to do is make it so that users can simply unzip your kit into
the soundpacks/ directory to make everything work.
In order to do this, you must organize your files like this:
1) Make a directory and put your whatever.pack file in it.
2) Make a directory in that one called drums/
3) Inside drums/ make a directory for each type of sound your kit has.

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4) Follow this example, to edit your whatever.pack file to look like this:
# drum samples by shifty
drum01 kick/sludgekick.wav
drum02 kick/abruptkick.wav
drum03 snare/whacksnare.wav
drum04 snare/happysnare.wav
drum05 snare/heavisnare.wav
drum06 hat/carlclosed.wav
drum07 hat/openhatshing.wav
drum08 tom/buzztom.wav
drum09 clap/emptyclap.wav
drum10 rim/ringingrim.wav
drum11 cymbal/nervouscymbal.wav
drum12 beep/gridbeep.wav
Note that comments are encouraged. Go ahead and put the URL you designed in there.. Just start
the line with a #:
5) After you've edited your pack.whatever file, create the zip.
From unixy systems, do:
zip -r *
From win32, create a recursive zip of all files in the same directory where whatever.pack
and drums/ are located.

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6) If your zip file has a directory structure like this, then you did it right:
/psp/kick/src/pack.shifty>unzip -v
Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Name
-------- ------ ------- ----- ---- ---- ------ ----
0 Stored 0 0% 07-25-05 22:59 00000000 drums/
0 Stored 0 0% 07-25-05 22:59 00000000 drums/beep/
77424 Defl:N 66943 14% 07-25-05 22:33 fa8f4d1b drums/beep/gridbeep.wav
127108 Defl:N 93824 26% 07-25-05 22:50 52649ffd drums/beep/highbeep.wav
0 Stored 0 0% 07-25-05 22:59 00000000 drums/bell/
127164 Defl:N 103132 19% 07-25-05 22:52 8e15392e drums/bell/spookowbell.wav
0 Stored 0 0% 07-25-05 22:59 00000000 drums/clap/
127736 Defl:N 96768 24% 07-25-05 22:50 e530edc5 drums/clap/emptyclap.wav
0 Stored 0 0% 07-25-05 22:59 00000000 drums/cymbal/
127692 Defl:N 105371 18% 07-25-05 22:51 a65f3fec drums/cymbal/nervouscymbal.wav
0 Stored 0 0% 07-25-05 22:59 00000000 drums/hat/
51176 Defl:N 38719 24% 07-25-05 22:20 5a8893c6 drums/hat/carlclosed.wav
60964 Defl:N 46324 24% 07-25-05 22:39 ae4b2781 drums/hat/openhatshing.wav
0 Stored 0 0% 07-25-05 22:58 00000000 drums/kick/
96956 Defl:N 80090 17% 07-25-05 22:11 bcb98cb6 drums/kick/abruptkick.wav
127312 Defl:N 107550 16% 07-25-05 22:52 e2a55a94 drums/kick/brzzkick.wav
62392 Defl:N 58373 6% 07-25-05 22:36 9872dcd7 drums/kick/carlkick.wav
92040 Defl:N 74381 19% 07-25-05 21:50 357acb2d drums/kick/hardkick.wav
102600 Defl:N 76931 25% 07-25-05 22:40 13c128ca drums/kick/houseykick.wav
118152 Defl:N 95899 19% 07-25-05 22:40 611de84c drums/kick/lowkick.wav
125840 Defl:N 113008 10% 07-25-05 22:49 967ead74 drums/kick/marykick.wav
127492 Defl:N 104473 18% 07-25-05 22:53 eb4e10b0 drums/kick/sludgekick.wav
0 Stored 0 0% 07-25-05 23:00 00000000 drums/noise/
98668 Defl:N 66764 32% 07-25-05 22:40 ef3286f2 drums/noise/panping.wav
120420 Defl:N 95888 20% 07-25-05 22:47 fb01019f drums/noise/tinsel.wav
0 Stored 0 0% 07-25-05 22:59 00000000 drums/rim/
113320 Defl:N 84706 25% 07-25-05 22:13 f1998469 drums/rim/ringingrim.wav
0 Stored 0 0% 07-25-05 22:58 00000000 drums/snare/
83572 Defl:N 69017 17% 07-25-05 22:07 f5229958 drums/snare/80ssnare.wav
127016 Defl:N 92372 27% 07-25-05 22:51 b02f731f drums/snare/bratsnare.wav
84316 Defl:N 70879 16% 07-25-05 22:35 4f8fe097 drums/snare/brightsnare.wav
127876 Defl:N 106834 17% 07-25-05 22:49 28b0117e drums/snare/desolatesnare.wav
127080 Defl:N 103898 18% 07-25-05 22:51 c9ba67d6 drums/snare/fryingpansnare.wav
87156 Defl:N 67083 23% 07-25-05 22:39 51842d90 drums/snare/happysnare.wav
127152 Defl:N 91739 28% 07-25-05 22:50 b25450ed drums/snare/heavisnare.wav
70740 Defl:N 57262 19% 07-25-05 22:41 99a4f28d drums/snare/opensnare.wav
97588 Defl:N 74501 24% 07-25-05 22:12 6d40f197 drums/snare/whacksnare.wav
0 Stored 0 0% 07-25-05 22:59 00000000 drums/tom/
87524 Defl:N 68707 22% 07-25-05 21:53 4d1417da drums/tom/bendtom.wav
127284 Defl:N 118784 7% 07-25-05 22:48 a3d7d3da drums/tom/buzztom.wav
389 Defl:N 204 48% 07-26-05 14:48 d16985a8 shifty.pack
-------- ------- ---
3034299 2430906 20% 42 files
Notice how there's a shifty.pack file in there, and everything else is inside the drums/ directory.
Also notice that if you create your own, new, wild directory name in the zip file, that's perfectly okay!
Unzip will create those new directories on your PSP and put all the files in.

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Most graphics in PSPKick are stored in files and loaded at runtime. We think this is better than
storing graphics inside the program because it allows the program to be more easily customized.
Most digital graphic formats (like png and jpeg) are complicated to read. Therefore, to get the
software out more quickly, PSPKick uses its own simplified file formats called .vrm and .avr instead.
To make skins, you'll use tools to convert them. For most graphics, you'll use CtrlView (by A.
Matveev at to translate from .jpeg into .c, then picpack (by the PSPKick team) to
go from .c into .vrm.
For other graphics, you'll use Super Flavor, or "max.php" (originally
gfxConverter by Alonetrio of WAV, modified by the PSPKick team for alpha channel and binary
output) to go from .png to .avr.
.vrm Files
.vrm means "Video RaM." You convert from jpeg to .c, then from .c to .vrm with picpack. .vrm
means simply a list of pixels in two-byte format (big endian). The bits in each 16-bit word go:
0BBBBBGGGGGRRRRR. .vrm files do not have dimensions in them. In other words, the size of the
image is not included.
.avr Files
.avr means "Alpha Video Ram." They're simply 32-bit files that go ARGB, 4 8-bit values. Like .vrm,
they contain no dimension information. You can't tell what size they're going to be.
Using PicturePacker
picpack03 is a dead simple command line utility that turns .c files into .vrm files. Typically .c files are
generated from a tool that turns jpegs into .c files.
The .c files have lots of lines that look like: RGB(255,127,128),
To use picpack in win32, you must place cygwin1.dll
(if you don't have it, google for it) in the same dir as picpack02.exe.
Then type:
picpack03 screenOverlay.c screenOverlay.vrm
That will read in screenOverlay.c and write out screenOverlay.vrm.
It will also print out some useless debug info.
Using picpack in unixy environments is easy, too. just type:
./picpack03 screenOverlay.c screenOverlay.vrm

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Using Super Flavor, or "max.php"
Super Flavor is easy to use. Just install php with the gdImage library on your
computer (wr/t the OS X distribution, the install may not set your path correctly.
try /usr/local/php5/bin/php). Then type:
/usr/local/php5/bin/php max.php terminal_font_9
That will turn terminal_font_9.png into terminal_font_9.avr.
Making a Skin
A skin is a 480x272 graphic. It has a region for entering notes, called the Upper Panel, and a region
for changing samples, using menus, and editing the song. it's called the Lower Panel. The upper
panel has a subsection where the drumhits and cursor work. Its size is 448x168. There are 12 rows
of 32 squares in that region. Each square in that region is 14x14. The cursor and drumhit graphics
are all 14x14.
There are actually 4 different lower panel menus. They all have the same size. It's still changing, but
at the moment, it's 330x54 .
Splash Screen
It's not stored with the skin. It's in the gui/ dir. Its name is hardcoded: splash02.vrm
It's size is the full size of the screen: 480x272.
Help Screens
They are not included in the skins directories.
They are not listed in the skin.*files.
Their filenames are hardcoded.
There are stored in the gui/ directory.
Their size is fixed at 448*168.
Params you can change in *.skin files
Skin files are stored in the skins/ directory. They must have the filename format:,,, etc. In addition to the *.skin filename, there must be a directory inside
skins/ with the name of the skin. For example, if the skin filename is skins/, theall of the
files for the skin go into skins/rel100/. Each skin stores all of its files inside its own directory. There
is no (simple) way to use pieces of one skin in another one.

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Here is an example file, Note, the green parts are just comments in this manual to help
you understand it, they should NOT be included in your .skin files.
They are comments here to explain what each param does.
# upper panel
background screenOverlay06.vrm This is the name of the 480x272 image
topX 24 this is where on the screen it begins drawing the 32x12 note grid
topY 32
# cursor All cursor files are 14x14.
cursorEmptyLit celEmptyLit.vrm filename of the .vrm where the cursor is stored.
cursorFilledLit celFilledLit.vrm the cursor and a regular hit together
cursorAccentLit pacwithcherries.vrm the cursor and an accented hit together
cursorFilled celFilled.vrm A regular hit with no cursor
cursorAccent cherries.vrm An accented hit with no cursor
# pattern/tempo font
numbsfont numbers03.vrm this is the font name for the numbers used in temp and BPM.
numbsFontW 7 width of letters
numbsFontH 9 height of letters
numbsFontVwid 105 width of jpeg/png/vrm file in pixels
numbsFontVhei 121 height of jpeg/png/vrm file in pixels
numbsFontHsp 14 hor. space between letters in jpeg/png/vrm. includes letter and emptiness
numbsFontVsp 16 vert. space b/t letters in jpeg/png/vrm. includes letter and emptiness
numbsFontGridW 8 number of letters in each row of the jpeg/png/vrm
numbsFontSpace 7 how much space to put between letters when drawing with it in menus, etc.
# tempo/pattern locations
pattNumX 142 Location of the top, left corner of the pattern # display
pattNumY 16 (be sure to leave space to the right for three digits)
tempoX 396 Top, left corner of the BPM display
tempoY 16
# chaser
chaserX 16
Top, left location of the chaser gfx
chaserY 31
chaserGFX ghost.vrm
the graphics file to use for the chaser gfx
chaserW 14
the size of the chaser gfx
chaserH 14
# traffic light
greenLight greenLightOn.vrm filename of greenlight on graphic. dimensions below
greenLightX 4 position on screen of greenlight gfx
greenLightY 251
greenLightW 15 size of greenlight gfx in pixels
greenLightH 15
yellowLight yellowLightOn.vrm same for yellow light
yellowLightX 4
yellowLightY 239
yellowLightW 15
yellowLightH 15
redLight redLightOn.vrm same for red light....
redLightX 4
redLightY 225
redLightW 15
redLightH 15
# lower panel
lowerPanelX 24 Position of the lower panel on the screen
lowerPanelY 208
lowerPanelW 330 Size of the lower panel
lowerPanelH 54
sampleNameBG bluebar.vrm Filename for the sampleName screen image
songEditorBG greenbar.vrm same for song editor. these screens must all have

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customScreenBG purplebar.vrm the same dimensions as the lowerPanelW and lowerPanelH
mixerBG bluebar.vrm (mixerBG isn't used...yet!)
# terminal font
termFont termfont.vrm name of the font file used for sample names and menus. lots of params
termFontW 7 width of letters
termFontH 9 height of letters
termFontVwid 105 width of jpeg/png/vrm file in pixels
termFontVhei 121 height of jpeg/png/vrm file in pixels
termFontHsp 14 hor. space between letters in jpeg/png/vrm. includes letter and emptiness
termFontVsp 16 vert. space b/t letters in jpeg/png/vrm. includes letter and emptiness
termFontGridW 8 number of letters in each row of the jpeg/png/vrm
termFontSpace 7 how much space to put between letters when drawing with it in menus, etc.
# layout of sample names page
sampX 20 x,y = where *on the lower panel* the names start (top left corner)
sampY 7
sampTileX 100 the horizontal spacing for the three columns
sampTileY 10 the vertical spacing for the four rows
# layout of song editor
songX 50 x,y = where *on the lower panel* the song editing stuff starts
songY 8
songTileW 24 How far apart the columns are
songTileH 10 How far apart the rows are
# layout of custom screen
custLoadX 25 x,y of load and save are where those menus begin *on the lower panel* (top,
left corner)
custLoadY 2
custSaveX 156
custSaveY 2
custTileH 10 vertical spacing between names in the menus
custTileW 10 (custtilew is not actually used- no use for it)
custFileRqX 25 the x,y coords of where the filename requestor pops up
custFileRqY 40

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Font Details
To make your own font:
Lay out the following grid in an anti-aliased font of your style and any size (start with
about 8-12 pixels). Notice it's 8 rows of letters high and 8 columns of letters wide.
! " # $ % & ' ( note first char is space, ' is an apostrophe)
( ) * + , - . / (, is comma)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 : ; < = > ?
@ A B C D E F G
X Y Z [ / ] ^ _ (last char is underscore)
The space between each char should be wide enough that anti-aliasing trails from e.g. the the K don't
interfere with the neighboring letters J, L, C and S. So, put as much space as you want - just as long
as they don't overlap. That might be 8 pixels or so.
The color should be whatever color you want the font to be. The background should be black.
output: must be .png file with an 8-bit alpha channel. the .png should be the kind of .png that has
variable alpha channel, not just on/off. The .png file gets converted with max.php, which is a modified
and ehhanced version of gfxConverter by AloneTrio of WAB.
Font Dimensions
There are two sets of spacing:
First, the size of the letters themselves. e.g. the last ones were 9x11.
Second, the the spacing between where each letter starts in the grid. e.g. if the letters were 9x11,
and you used six pixels of buffering, the spacing would end up 15x17. I realize this is pretty anal, but
it makes our program look great.

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PSPKick Music File Formats
These file formats were created just for PSPKick. They're all in ASCII,
so that they are easy to read. Note they are also in DOS text format,
which means lines are ended with carriage return, linefeed, a.k.a.
CR/LF, a.k.a. 0x0d 0x0a, a.k.a. "\r\n", a.k.a. 13 10.
This file is read at startup to determine the initial skin,
the initial song, and a few other things. It is currently
saved from the Files Menu, when you save song as a .kick file:
currentSong sweater The last song you were editing
skin The current skin
curEditPatt 10
The pattern you were editing when you last saved
end master
songs/sweater.kick - Drum section
The songs directory is filled with .kick files. Each one contains a PSPKick song,
minus the samples. It contains the sample names in a song, the song
information and the pattern information.
version 3.00
song song
start 01
end 10
drum01 synth/koto.wav
drum02 synth/koto.wav
drum03 hat/OPHAT.WAV
drum04 snare/snare2.wav
drum05 hat/909Openhat.wav
drum06 clap/808Clap.wav
drum07 tom/Lowtom.wav
drum08 tom/HighTom.wav
drum09 clap/808Clap.wav
drum10 rim/707Rimshot.wav
drum11 synth/synthHit.wav
drum12 kick/abruptkick.wav

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songs/sweater.kick - Song section
song song
start 01
end 16
songstep 01 01 10 01 10
songstep 02 02 10 01 10
songstep 03 10 10 01 10
songstep 04 03 10 01 10
songstep 05 02 10 01 10
songstep 68 01 10 01 10
songstep 69 01 10 01 10
Where "start 01" indicates that the first step in the song is 1,
and "end 16" means the last step in the song is 16.
songs/sweater.kick - Patterns Section
patt 01
tempo 14300
numSteps 32
numTracks 12
drmStat01 070 128 128
drmStat02 070 128 128
drmStat03 065 128 128
drmStat04 074 128 128
drmStat05 100 128 128
drmStat06 070 128 128
drmStat07 070 128 128
drmStat08 070 128 128
drmStat09 070 128 128
drmStat10 070 128 128
drmStat11 070 128 128
drmStat12 091 128 128
trk 01 243c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 243c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 243c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1f3c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
trk 02 0 0 0 0 273c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1d3c 0 0 1d32 0 0 1d26 0 1f3c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 223c 0 0 0
trk 03 243c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 243c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 243c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
trk 04 0 0 0 0 0 0 243c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 243c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
trk 05 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
trk 06 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
trk 07 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
trk 08 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
trk 09 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
trk 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
trk 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
trk 12 243c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 243c 0 0 0
mute 2 3 4 12
solo 5 6

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In the drum parameters section "drmStat":
The three columns following each drmStat are the volume, pan and pitch for each sample. For each
one, 128 is the middle. For volume, the range is from 0 to 255. 0 is about -48dB, 255 is about +12
dB. For pan, the range is 0 to 255. 0 is all the way left, 255 all the way right. For pitch, the range is
29 to 227. 29 means -100 cents from normal. 227 means +100 cents from normal. Cents are
1/100ths of an octave. So, the range is +/- 1 octave, with an absurd amount of precision. (Hint, pitch
two channels one cent apart for chorus!)
The first number after "trk " is the track number. The next 32 numbers after it are step values. The
step value has both a note number and a volume encoded into it. It uses hexadecimal encoding.
The lowest 8 bits are the volume (only values 0-100 are allowed). 0 is the quietest, 100 is the
loudest. A typical hit is 60. An accented hit is 72. The next 8 bits are the note number. Only values
0-73 are allowed. 36 represents middle C. For example, "2a3c" means the volume is 0x3c, or 60.
The note is 0x2a or 42, meaning F#4.
The tempo is stored in 1/100ths of a BPM. So, 13300 = 133.00 BPM.
If you needed 125.67 BPM, it would be "tempo 12567"
If you are very clever, like one user, you can change the numSteps to e.g. 24.
Some functions may not work well, and it's not officially supported, so don't do it! :)
Don't increase the number of tracks beyond 12. It's never gonna work! :)

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Appendix A - Release Testing
With all of these great features, how to test them in a reliable way? Here are all the things to test:
Cursor movement:
from zone to zone
in pattern editor zone
in song editor zone
in "custom" (load/save) zone
in sample name zone
pattern editor zone
tempo, shift pattern, change pattern, copy patt, paste patt
song editor zone
tempo, change pattern, copy patt num, paste patt num, change patt, ins patt, del patt
sample name zone
load several soundpacks w/ music playing
do all gfx elements change?
lower menu panels
load several skins w/ music playing
does each and every sample change?
Start/stop playback:
in pattern zone
in song zone
Modify sample params:
Internal file formats:
modify patt data, save, exit, reload, verify
modify song data, save, exit, reload, verify
modify sample stats (pitch/vol/pan), save, exit, reload, verify

Page 19
Export file formats:
sound quality means length, volumes, tempo, pitch, etc.
export pattern .wav, verify filename and sound quality
export song .wav, verify sound quality
export song .mid, verify playback in several programs

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Appendix B – Credits
Noah Vawter – Programming and Manual
Nathan Wray – Graphics and Public Relations
"If we have been able to see far, it is because we have stood on the shoulders of
giants."-paraphrased Albert Einstein.
PSPKick was initially based on the Hello World and PSPSnd programs by nem, and on the OldskOOl
intro by Alonetrio of WAB, Rex^syndicate and Jester^sanity.
It was built using one of the earlier versions (20050613) of the ps2toolchain by the ps2dev gang
(marcus, ooPo, etc.)
Screenshot.bmp code was supplied by weak from Austria (I'm still looking for that sidescrolling
shooter! There's been a dirge of them by SomeONe You know! call up pimpot, ok?) Update: I think
this program became Callisto! Very beautiful, the boss was real hard! Looking forward to the next
Thanks to for hosting the PSPKick forums, and for doing it when we
first started out.
Thanks to joostp and Guest for helping with dev tools back at the beginning.
Thanks to the random irc users who answered technical questions. Thumbs down to those who
wouldn't help with USB unless I was using the sdk.
Thanks to Richard Stallman and the GNU Project for enabling us to use gcc and many other things
for absolutely free.
Word up SoCal gang, it's Squarez fault this prg is so late!
Sen Lee>Any questions?
shifty>Yeah, how do you speak Chinese?
Big shout out to Diallo, who created soundpacks, buzz and the intro song for us. Thanks for keeping
up with us and spreading the word. We hope you stay for the whole ride!
Thanks to Gadgetboy, Joe Devlin, Nu11s1eep, Shifty, Zod and the Dobox crew for your soundpacks
as well!
Huge props to for your continued support in bringing the hype.
And of course, to all the forum users for adding your two cents and showing us love!

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Appendix C - Super Flavor
The following code is used to convert .png files to .avr files. This is used for making custom fonts.
PNG to .AVR format converter
AVR = 8888 Alpha Red Green Blue
Coded By AloneTrio www.Wab.Com
alpha channel, bin format by shifty 7/28/05, Oakland, CA
thanks to rob g!
usage: /usr/local/php5/bin/php max.php terminal_font_9
will read terminal_font_9.png and turn it into terminal_font9.avr
$img = $argv[1];
$im = ImageCreateFromPng($img.".png");
$img_high = imagesy($im);
$img_width = imagesx($im);
$file = fopen($img.".avr", "w+");
$rgb = ImageColorAt($im, $x, $y);
$r = intval(($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF);
$g = intval(($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF);
$b = intval(($rgb) & 0xFF);
$colorrgb = imagecolorsforindex($im,$rgb);
$a = $colorrgb['alpha'];
print "$r $g $b $a\n";
$str = pack("CCCC",$a,$r,$g,$b);

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Appendix D - picpack03
The following program is used to convert .c graphics files into .vrm's, for making skins
#include <stdio.h>
// picpack03 by shifty 2005
// a little ditty to parse .c files generated by imageconverter.
// packs the c-style format into binary, which is compact and easily
// readable dynamically inside PSP programs
// version 01 used to work with "imageConverter"
// version 02 is for CtrlView. This kind of format:
// RGB( 0, 0, 1), RGB( 2, 0, 1), RGB( 0, 0, 0), RGB( 0, 2, 0),
// version 03 can also do .pnm, which are binary files of rgb values.
// they start with a simple header, which jpeg tools can convert to,
using "jpegtopnm."
// P6
// 014 014
// 255
// should compile trivially with gcc picpack.c -o picpack
// usage: pickpack03 helpWindowSampName.c helpWindowSampName.vrm
// PNM mode:
// picpack03 -pnm pnm/$names[$i].pnm vrm/$names[$i].vrm 0
enum {
int parsePic(char *,char *,int);
int pnmParsePic(char*,char*,int);
unsigned int array[1000][1000];
int width=0,height=0;
int x=0,y=0;
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
int dith=0;
if( (argc!=3) && (argc!=4) && (argc!=5) ){
printf("picpack -- packs .c files generated by image converter into binary.\n");
printf(" usage: pickpack <inname> <outname> <optional noise mix>\n");
printf(" e.g. pickpack screenOverlay.c screenOverlay.vrm\n");

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case 3:
case 4:
case 5: // pickpack02 -pnm wang.pnm wang.vrm <dith>
printf("picpack - shifty\n");
int parsePic(char *filenamein,char *filenameout,int dith)
char bufin[2],bufout[3];
FILE *fdin,*fdout;
int idx=0,done=0;
char ch;
int val[3],pack;
int i,n1,n2,n3;
int state=ST_IDLE;
case ST_IDLE:
case '[':
case ST_OPEN:

Page 24
case '0':
case '1':
case '2':
case '3':
case '4':
case '5':
case '6':
case '7':
case '8':
case '9':
val[0]+= ch-'0';
case ',': // shift it along
case ']':
printf("w,h = %d,%d\n",width,height);
case '}':
case ')': // emit symbol. val[0] = 8-bit R, val[1]=8-bit G, val[2]=8-bit B
printf("%d %d %d\n",val[0],val[1],val[2]);
// noise mix
n1 = (random()%(dith/2))-(dith/4);
n2 = (random()%(dith/2))-(dith/4);
n3 = n1+n2;
val[i] += n3;
// quantize
val[2] = val[2]>>3;
val[1] = val[1]>>3;
val[0] = val[0]>>3;
//pack=(val[0]<<10) | (val[1]<<5) | (val[2]);
pack=(val[2]<<10) | (val[1]<<5) | (val[0]);
array[x][y] = pack;
// prepare for next number

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case ';':
// they're in the file upside down, so do this funny way:
pack = array[x][y];
bufout[0] = (pack>>0)&0xff; // least significant
bufout[1] = (pack>>8)&0xff; // most significant
printf("w,h = %d,%d\n",width,height);
printf("Converted %d pixels.\n",idx);
int pnmParsePic(char *filenamein,char *filenameout,int dith)
unsigned char bufin[80],bufout[3];
FILE *fdin,*fdout;
int idx=0,done=0;
char ch;
unsigned int val[3],pack;
int i,n1,n2,n3;
char tmp[80],buf[80],buf2[80];
char *ptr;
int state=ST_IDLE;
fgets(buf,80,fdin); // P6 means pnm, binary rgb
fgets(buf,80,fdin); // this one has the width and height in it oh joy
ptr = strtok(buf," ");
ptr = strtok(NULL," ");
fgets(buf,80,fdin); // 255

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val[2] = bufin[2]>>3;
val[1] = bufin[1]>>3;
val[0] = bufin[0]>>3;
pack=(val[2]<<10) | (val[1]<<5) | (val[0]);
// printf("%d %d 0x%06x %d %d %d\n",x,y,pack,val[0],val[1],val[2]);
array[x][y] = pack;
// printf("\n");
pack = array[x][y];
bufout[0] = (pack>>0)&0xff; // least significant
bufout[1] = (pack>>8)&0xff; // most significant
printf("w,h = %d,%d\n",width,height);
printf("Converted %d pixels.\n",width*height);

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Appendix E - batch convert
This is a batch conversion utility that will turn a directory full of .jpg files
into a directory full of .vrm files. It's useful for making skins.
It requires having jpegtools installed on your system.
# batch convert jpegs into .vrm files for PSPKick skins
@names =("mainscreen_v2", # main background
"cursor", # cursor, empty 14x14
"cursor_dot","dot", # cursor on beat. beat.
"cursor_accent_dot","accented_dot", # cursor on accented beat. accented beat.
"chaser_light", # chaser light
"redLightOn","yellowLightOn","greenLightOn", # redlight, yellow light, green
"sounds_screen", # "samples" menu
"song_screen", # "song" menu
"files_screen", # "custom" menu
"notesScreenCrude", # notes menu
"song_current_pos", "song_cursor", # song indicator, cursor
$cmd="jpegtopnm jpg/$names[$i].jpg > pnm/$names[$i].pnm";
print "$cmd\n";
$cmd="../../picpack03 -pnm pnm/$names[$i].pnm vrm/$names[$i].vrm 0";
print "$cmd\n";
print "\n";