My Web-ness is currently a bit limited, since I only have use of a text browser (yay Lynx). Still, I change things randomly, and if you see something that doesn't work, or have any other comments, please let me know.
I'm a chemical engineer, and a member of AIChE, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Until I figure out how to create a html version of my resume, send me e-mail if you would like to see it.
I'm a dedicated theatre geek, and currently and mainly involved in a local amateur group called M.W. Repertory Theatre Co, Etc. I am also a member of Alpha Psi Omega, an international dramatic honour society.
I have two cats, Shiduzientavwaniet Eylthinkuvwanlaytr and He's No Fucking Picasso. I call them Sheedy and Picasso, respectively, since their names are a bit unwieldy (I didn't name either of them, actually). I have a couple of pictures of them, if you want to see them.
If you are interested in more about me, here's a list of links that I thought were neat in some way or another. I guess that's some sort of indication of what I'm like... I also have a page of goofy pictures of me and some of my friends.
My family is now on the Web as well! Have a peek to see what the crazy bunch is up to...