Heléne's Wonderful World of Wackiness

A pretty silly picture of me.

Hi. I'm Heléne.

My Web-ness is currently a bit limited, since I only have use of a text browser (yay Lynx). Still, I change things randomly, and if you see something that doesn't work, or have any other comments, please let me know.

I'm a chemical engineer, and a member of AIChE, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. Until I figure out how to create a html version of my resume, send me e-mail if you would like to see it.

I'm a dedicated theatre geek, and currently and mainly involved in a local amateur group called M.W. Repertory Theatre Co, Etc. I am also a member of Alpha Psi Omega, an international dramatic honour society.

I have two cats, Shiduzientavwaniet Eylthinkuvwanlaytr and He's No Fucking Picasso. I call them Sheedy and Picasso, respectively, since their names are a bit unwieldy (I didn't name either of them, actually). I have a couple of pictures of them, if you want to see them.

Some of my friends have neat stuff going on in their pages... You can try the GweepNet people, or click here for links to some of my other friends' pages.

If you are interested in more about me, here's a list of links that I thought were neat in some way or another. I guess that's some sort of indication of what I'm like... I also have a page of goofy pictures of me and some of my friends.

My family is now on the Web as well! Have a peek to see what the crazy bunch is up to...

Feel free to send comments, suggestions, or whatever:
Last updated 22 NOV 2000