
presented by Elysium Productions

Rules Changes and Clarifications


Inquiry is a chronicle-based LARP that will use the basic rules as published by White Wolf in Vampire: The Masquerade, 2nd edition. However, it will make some notable departures from the published material, especially in areas where systems seem likely to get in the way of the role-playing experience. In fact, the motivating factors behind most of the rules changes are to keep the game moving and to heighten the storytelling potential. We feel that the greater rewards come not from having better statistics than one’s opponent, but rather from shared, dramatic experiences in which players can immerse themselves in their characters, the environment, and the greater story.

We encourage players (potential or otherwise) to familiarize themselves with the rules as published by White Wolf, and then to reread the rules changes in this document in order to better grasp the context of the material herein. We will be providing as much material as legally possible to anyone wishing it. Please ask us for assistance in this area (we have books to lend, or we can excerpt sections of them for your review). It is important for players to understand the combat systems – so please make it a priority to learn the rules.

One important caveat is that, as in most LARPs, there are exceptions to every rule. Wherever possible, these exceptions are designed to be as noteworthy "in game" as they are "out of game".

Rules Clarifications


Rules Changes


In V:tM, the basic unit of measure is the Trait. One’s prowess in a particular field is measured by not only the amounts, but also the nature of the Traits in question. Due to the nature of Traits, sometimes they are applicable, sometimes not. We feel that these natures can give one an interruptive amount of pause when trying to resolve a Challenge. Therefore, Inquiry will not use Trait natures. They are simply statistics. In order to balance out the loss of role-playing aid provided by Trait natures, players can expect to find ample character descriptions in the character backgrounds. GMs will deal with circumstances where Trait natures are explicit parts of the rules on an individual basis. In most cases, all side-effects can be set to work in the general category of Trait statistic in question.

Negative Traits will not be used, but will be present in the character sheet and background as a role-playing guide.


In general, Elder characters tend to be of 8th or 9th generation and have the power to wield Advanced or lower Disciplines. Ancillae characters tend to be 10th or 11th generation and have the power to wield Intermediate or lower Disciplines. Neonate characters tend to be 12th or higher generation and have the power to wield Basic Disciplines. However, this is the norm and exceptions to this are almost common.

Challenges/Mob Combat

Challenges between single players will be resolved as per V:tM rules. Challenges involving more than a couple of characters will be arbitrated by GMs using a mathematically based system, the details of which are not going to be published. Each player will have a Power score, which the GM will take into account when calculating the combat results. Though seemingly unfair at first glance, we feel this system to be accommodating to the flow of the game as it better approximates real-time actions with the general combat value of a character. It also allows the player to concentrate more on role-playing and less on their character sheet, which is an important focus of the game.

The Power Scores will be generated in the following fashion:

Generation Power Points Max

1 1314

2 876

3 584

4 389

5 259

6 173

7 115

8 77

9 51

10 34

11 23

12 15

13 10

14 7

15 5

Ghouls 3

Humans 2


The above represents a *1.5 increase the lower one's generation. And of course the GM can add or subtract in the range as applicable. Beyond this, we will add the number of Character's Traits to the Power Score.


Status will be used as per the V:tM rules. Players are encouraged to report incidents that occur "in game" which merit changing a PC’s Status.


Surprise will not be given as per the V:tM rules. Rather, players are encouraged to decide amongst themselves when a player has the surprise advantage. Of course, if there are discrepancies, one can always ask a GM to arbitrate.

Blood Bonds

So that the game may have a better structure for social interaction, Blood Bonds will give the holder an amount of Social Traits to use against the Thrall. The amount of Social Traits varies with the level of Blood Bond and the Thrall supernatural nature.

Nature 1st 2nd 3rd (full)

Vampire to Ghoul 1 ST 2 ST 4 ST

Vampire to Vampire 1 ST 4 ST 9 ST

Unless a situation is specifically otherwise, all non-full Blood Bonds fade over time unless kept up, as per the V:tM rules.

As a role-playing guide, players should play the Blood Bond effect with the following intensities:

Blood Bond Level Effect

1st Inclined to friendship

2nd Strong feeling

3rd devotion


Players will not receive experience as per the V:tM rules as such. Instead of receiving an allocation of points to be used as they wish, a player would receive bonuses in the form of extra Traits, Abilities, or Influences as per appropriate to their character’s actions. For instance, if a character spend a large amount of effort and time researching in the library at a local college, the character is much more likely to receive extra University Influences than they are Physical Traits. If a player wishes to specify to the GMs that their effort is to be spent in specific areas in an attempt to increase their prowess in that area, then the GMs will take it into consideration. In general, gaining new Disciplines will not be a character goal that is within the scope of the game. Where a character is close to achieving new feats of vampiric Disciplines, it will be so noted in the character’s background.

Players can expect to get on average the equivalent of 1 Experience Point per game. Of course, more bonuses will be given to those who contribute quality and quantity to the game. This is of course at the GMs discretion, but allocations are always negotiable. If a player feels the GMs have overlooked or underestimated one’s contributions, then they are encouraged to discuss the matter politely with the GMs. We stress politely. It is never the GMs intention to use bonuses unfairly, but we do realize that mistakes are made occasionally. We’re more than willing to work through them with you.


Time is real time, unless otherwise noted by a GM. Efforts will be made to make game time as close to real time as possible, although in some situations, this will not be possible (some combats, for instance). Also, if characters leave a game location to perform in-game actions, they should expect to have to sit out of game for a proportional amount of time.


GMs will play all NPCs. Players will not be allowed to be accompanied by NPCs. This is to maintain the visual consistency of the game reality, preventing players’ possible confusion. Thus, a vampire character may have a Ghoul in service. However, unless played by a PC or a GM, that Ghoul is assumed to not be present with the vampire at the moment.


In Inquiry, Influences will be used in a significantly different manner. In order to add an element of strategy, players can choose to either use their Influences as per the V:tM rules (with some minor modifications to the scale of the usefulness of each unit of Influence) or they can use them as a pawns in the Inquiry Influence Game Board (IBG), a board game based upon the characters’ influence over the city (this will include NPCs as well as PCs). Players may choose to one or the other, but not both. This is to accommodate players who do not feel they have the time or inclination for a regular e-mail based activity.

Played over e-mail (with moves once per month, alternating every 2 weeks with game sessions), players can perform actions with their influences such as gathering information, make money, or sacrifice themselves in an influence war with other influences. Also, the GMs will give out location-based city information to players with influences an appropriate area. Note that the preceding is not an exhaustive list of actions PCs can take with their Influences (players are free to convince us of new and interesting action their Influence might take) – the full rules to this game will be specified in another document.



Frenzy is a state in which the vampire or ghoul is out of control of their actions. The particulars of when it happens and what their behavior is while Frenzying will be specified in the character background. They represent irrational reactions and behavior to otherwise normal or perhaps provoking stimuli. It is often, and not incorrectly, referred to as being crazy (but just a touch).

In some rare cases, the frenzy can be caused by innocuous events (like seeing the color red or being asked about public transportation). But more often obvious triggers (like being caught in an enclosed space or seeing fire) are the cause of Frenzy. In all cases, there will be background-related explanations why the condition(s) exist. Knowing a rival character’s Frenzy triggers is a good means of putting them in compromising positions.

As per the V:tM, Frenzy can be averted temporarily by spending Willpower points (to resist the irrational behavior). However, doing so only will keep the problem under control for 10 minutes. Repeated triggering of Frenzy, regardless of the source of the trigger, requires repeated Willpower expenditure to resist. Removal from the triggering stimuli is usually the best way to avert repeated Frenzy.


As per V:tM rules, characters will have Status points. A player may use Status points as Social Traits (1 to 1) in a Social Challenge against another. The Challenged may choose to ignore the use of Status in a Social Challenge, but must accept a possible loss of Status for doing so (unless a character has a special means of doing so without losing status, like Malkavians – see the V:tM rules under Malkavians for an explanation of why, how, etc.).

Status will be conferred or taken away from characters at the GMs discretion for acts that merit the social distinction of increasing or decreasing one’s Status. In the vampires’ social circle, Status in acquired by representing one’s Clan in a city, performing official Camarilla duties (like being Prince, being the Prince henchman, etc.). Most often, the actions in question must be made reasonably public before any such Status is official or useable.


Prestation is an official system of debt to another character. The benefit of being in debt to another is that one can expect a certain amount of social favor until the debt is paid off. In the V:tM rules, the scale of debt with respect to social behavior is very specific. In order to gain Prestation over another, both players must agree to the level of the debt and the conditions under which it will be paid off. Once paid off, there is no further expectation on either party’s side. Until paid off, the debt holder has a number of Social Traits to use against the character in debt.

Deciding not to honor one’s debt to another (by ignoring the Social Traits or otherwise) will most likely cause a loss of Status points.

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