Who's Who in Boston

INQUIRY, a live-action role-playing game, by Elysium productions

Copyright 1998, Elysium Productions. All rights reserved.

To Live in Boston Among the Shadows

Ventrue Prince Igor Montesque's rule over Boston has been based upon a very simple edict: he will stay out of your business so long as your business does not conflict with the Camarilla Traditions. But when your actions break the Traditions, your time has run out. His Justice is swift, without passion, and without regret. To this end, he had recruited the Gangrel (the whole clan) to be his enforcers. Most of his efforts have been to drive out the Sabbat from Boston, a dream which in the last 3 years has become reality. For the Camarilla, this has meant that Kindred now have control over their own population, making feeding from mortals not only easier but safer as well. With the Sabbat exodus, hunting grounds have become larger. Life is generally much easier than it used to be.

However, such success has come at a high price. About 3 months ago, Samuel Remington, the Prince's 1st Childe, led the latest and final raid. Though Samuel had a reputation for being a hard-ass, his agenda was always to support and enforce the Camarilla Traditions. It was well suspected that Samuel was to replace Montesque as Prince once Montesque felt he should move on. As an example of Samuel loyalty, he led the raiding party himself. The team included the Brujah, the Gangrel, and a few others. They invaded the Sabbat coven, deep within the bowels of the subway system on November 4th, just after the sunset. The battle was great and there were many losses, including Samuel himself. The Brujah were cut down to two and the Gangrel now only have 3 left in their clan. The sacrifices of these few have ushered in a new area of prosperity among the Kindred of Boston.

The Prince has been trying to enjoy the success, but it seems that he is upset somewhat by the loss of his Childe. Montesque has another Childe, Andrew Andentull, though it is clear he is not the man Samuel was. It is well known that Andentull and Montesque do not get along very well. Despite the fact that Andentull is taking on some of Samuel's responsibilities, his inexperience at Kindred affairs makes him a bit ineffectual. Though lately, Andentull's rising to the occasion has started him down a good career path. Perhaps in a few years, he will fill Samuel's shoes.

Just yesterday, Montesque called a meeting of the Kindred at one of his manors to welcome an official delegation from Toronto. The delegation represents no other than Justicar Ariel herself and is led by Ventrue Archon Helena Vogler. It is suspected that her arrival has to do with the Sabbat exodus from Boston. The meeting is mandatory and all Kindred and their Ghouls have been order to attend under the penalty of the Prince's disfavor. In Boston, that could spell the end of your preternatural life if you’re not careful

Rumors of course, have been flying about, speculating about the Archon's visit. It seems unlikely that Vogler's visit is simply a pat on the back for Montesque's efforts. The last Ventrue Primogen Jonathan Fitzgerald recently abdicated his position and has moved to Toronto within the last 5 months. Many have noticed the coincidence between Fitzgerald's exit and Vogler's entrance, though it is all speculation at this point. Rumors also have circulated about a strange looming figure that roams in the sewers called "Charon." Some say he is responsible for the murders as of late, which have included some homeless people and even a couple of children. The Nosferatu claim it is the work of a Niktuku, a hideous monster which could be a "very bad thing" indeed.

Most Kindred are understandably tense about it the visit. The Nosferatu have been tight lipped as of late, Primogen Richard Zweibel refusing to contract any of the clan's services for a short time. Who can blame them, would you want to get caught snooping on an Archon?

The Prince's party is for January 24th at 6pm. The Kindred can hardly wait.

The Kindred of Boston (and their associates)

Albert Westenwright (played by Dave Weiss), Ventrue. Though young, Westenwright is a native of Boston and is a very wealthy and powerful vampire, especially among the industrial and political arenas of the mortal world.

Amanda Biddle (played by Stephanie Apprille), Gangrel. Biddle is a loyal member of the Gangrel clan.

Andrew Andentull (played by John Dunkelberg), Ventrue. Andentull is the Prince's 2nd Childe. It is well-known that he and his Sire, Igor Monteqsue have not always gotten along that well, although things have improved since the death of his older "brother" Samuel Remington, the Prince's 1st Childe, 3 months ago. Andentull has been performing some of Samuel's official duties for the Prince since Samuel's death.

Antonia Altobella (played by "Murph" Rosenberg, Ventrue. Altobella works for the Prince on various matters, although her main occupation is controlling large parts of the mortal underworld.

Brian Meacham (played by J. Bendonis), Gangrel. Meacham is a loyal member of the Gangrel. He was attacked by an Assamite recently and managed to defend himself somehow, killing his assailant. Thus, according to rumor, the Assamites will no longer honor contracts against him. Meacham is very pleased by this, indeed.

Cecile St. John (played by Christina White), Nosferatu. She is a voodooienne, a practitioner the Creole/Caribbean arena of occult arts. Her talents have proved accurate on a number of occasions, much to dismay of the western-influenced occult communities.

Christoph Starzhevsky (played by Sven Skoog), Brujah. The philosophical sort, Starzhevsky (pronounced STAR-SHEV-SKEE), unlike most Brujah in Boston enjoys debates rather than rants, although among the Brujah debates can get a little intense and intimidating. Lately, Starzhevsky has been less social than normal.

Darius Brightman (played by Lackey Chaney), Malkavian. Brightman is not from Boston, he hails from Toronto. He is arriving in town with Archon Helena Vogler. The Prince is calling a meeting of all Kindred, presumably to welcome them.

Duncan Hamilton (played by Ian Smith-Dahl), Toreador. Hamilton is a sculptor of growing reputation. His exhibits have been applauded by recent critics for their stunningly blasphemous anti-Chrstian images and striking detail.

Francis Miller (played by Jony Balboni), Nosferatu. Miller is a recent inhabitant of Boston, appearing publicly only 3 years ago or so. Little else is known about him publicly, though this is not uncommon for Nosferatu. Miller has much influence in the media, particularly in the newspapers.

Frank Dayhill (played by Dave Hayden), Malkavian. Dayhill is most probably a sociopath, having little regard for individual people. Though he has never to anyone's knowledge broken the Masquerade, his rebellious and abrasive demeanor would suggest that he is nothing but trouble.

Karen Caffyn (played by Terilee Edwards-Hewitt), Ghoul. Caffyn is in service to the Prince and acts as his personal attaché. She is in a position to know much about the Prince's affairs. If she asks you a question, you can be certain that it comes as an official request from the Prince. Her word is the prince's word.

Helena Vogler (played by Keri Reuss), Ventrue Archon for Justicar Ariel of Toronto. Vogler is an Archon, which suggests that she has come to Boston for "official" reasons. Since Archons tend to conduct inquiries for their Justicars, it is not very likely that she is here for purely social purposes. She travels with Malkavian Darius Brightman and Nosferatu Michael Stein.

Igor Montesque (played by Jhim Midgett), Ventrue Prince. Monteqsue has been Prince of Boston for about 100 years or so. He predicates his authority on his non-interventionist policies. However, if someone becomes trouble, he executes his authority without delay or mercy. Many Kindred owe Montesque favors for various reasons. Recently, Montesque lost his 1st Childe, Samuel Remington in the last raid on the Sabbat 3 months ago. Rumors suggest he is not taking it well. Montesque has a 2nd Childe, Andrew Andentull, who has been a source of aggravation over the years. However, Samuel's death seems to have brought them closer together.

Jacob Grant (played by Matt Murphy), Ghoul. Grant is currently in service to Andrew Andentull and manages the more practical side of Andentull's work (security, problem solving, etc.). Grant has only been in town for about a year, but has been in Andentull's service the entire time.

James Ruthfusz (played by Jonathan Drummey), Tremere. Ruthfusz (pronounced "Rufus", it is the Latin spelling) has been in Boston since the mid-sixties. Little is known about his specific place in the chantry, though it is generally assumed that he learns about poisons, the chantry leader's specialty. He is also a Harpy for the Prince. As a Harpy it is his duty and privilege to resolve problems among the Kindred, especially at the Prince's social occasions. He has enough influence with the Prince and the Primogen such that he can bring down much social pressure upon an individual, should they become out of hand. It is a bad idea to do something against the Prince's administration while he is watching. He is second to Miriam Wellesley, though, who is the lead Harpy for the Prince.

Jennice Bryceson (played by Christine Jesensky), Nosferatu. Bryceson is one of the more social and amiable of the Nosferatu. She is by far the most approachable.

Jeremiah Dent (played by Scott Gray), Brujah Primogen. Dent is another philosophical Brujah, like his clanmate Christopher Starzhevsky. The recent loss of most of the Brujah has brought Dent to the Primogen position, a job that Dent does not particularly enjoy. But he fills it nonetheless.

Jeremy Newton (played by Quick LaPorte), Ghoul. Newton is currently in service to Gangrel Brian Meacham. Newton seems to be constantly worried about something.

Katherine Smythe-Daigle (played by Tara Halwes), Toreador. Smythe-Daigle writes historical fiction and is relatively new to Boston.

Leopold Kalgar (played by Peter Crone), Tremere Primogen. Kalgar has been a resident of Boston for quite some time, certainly as long as the Prince. He is chantry elder and sets the Tremere agenda. It is well known that Kalgar has experience with poisons of many varieties. The more undetectable the poison, the more it will cost you, of course.

Lorenzo Castille (played by Shawn Zimmerman), Ghoul. Castille is a very, very old Ghoul - older than most Kindred in Boston, in fact. He is in service to Ventrue Primogen Xavier de Neville. Among Ghouls, he is well respected.

Magritte Tousaint (played by Elizabeth Ditchburn), Toreador Primogen. Tousaint is a premiere ballerina, though her training allows her mastery of many styles. Usually the social director for the toreador, she has been aloof as of late. At times, she does not get along with the Prince, although she knows her place.

Marcus (played by James White), Nosferatu. Marcus is a very, very old Kindred (at least 1000 years old). He in the past has had some trouble dealing with personal issues, having depressions. Lately, though he is very friendly and congenial. Compared to the other Nosferatu, he is much more the social sort. He has vast control over the police of the greater Boston area as well as many other varied interests in the mortal world. If you end up in jail, more often Kindred call him instead of their lawyers (if they can afford the price, of course). He's also able to arrange police drug raids on people's havens if he knows where you live, so it is a good policy not to cross him.

Matthias Peterson (played by Jeff Diewald), Ghoul. Peterson is a very well respected poet in the Boston area. He has many publications, though he has not yet been deemed a laureate. He is currently is service to Miriam Wellesley, lead Harpy for the Prince.

Michael Stein (played by Clockwork Ernenwein), Nosferatu. He is a Nosferatu from Toronto, who arrives with the Archon Helena Vogler.

Michelle Brian (played by Amy Reed), Gangrel Primogen. Brian is the leader of the Gangrel, who act as police force for the Prince. She's tough when she needs to be, but in general a person you can talk to. She seems very genuine and forthright. If you ask her about something you shouldn't know about, she'll most likely tell you that you need to stop asking questions rather than give you the run around.

Miriam Wellesley (played by Kathy Journeay), Toreador. Wellesley is the lead Harpy for the Prince. As a Harpy it is her duty and privilege to resolve problems among the Kindred, especially at the Prince's social occasions. She has enough influence with the Prince and the Primogen such that she can bring down much social pressure upon an individual, should they become out of hand. It is a bad idea to do something against the Prince's administration while she is watching. If you need to know the dirt on what's going on Camarilla-wise, you’d ask her.

Qarl Montague (played by Eric Reuss), Tremere. Montague (not Montesque) spent some time over in Worcester with the last 2 years. Since his return a year ago, Qarl has been increasingly more bothered by some for of mania that he claims he "caught" from a Malkavian. He had not been social in the last 2 months or so. His claims of the events in Worcester are quite a bit beyond belief - of angels, demons, infernalists, etc. Though Worcester has been a bed of activity in the last 5 years, little comes from there now - Kindred do not even live there for fear of the Lupines in the area.

Richard Zweibel (played by Mike Caprio), Nosferatu. Zweibel is the Nosferatu Primogen. Little in Boston escapes his watchful eye, mostly because he has influences in many parts of the city. Richard is a very old vampire who has flourished under the Prince's liberal reign.

Seamus Sidney (played by h MacKeirnan), Malkavian Primogen. Sidney is advisor to the Prince. Though he can be even-keeled enough to carry a coherent conversation, he often digresses onto subjects that do not always seem connected. When his digression come full circle though, his point often yields enlightening information.

Shawn Davies (played by Todd Dibble), Ghoul. Davies is a newcomer to town. Otherwise, not much is known about him publicly.

Sheridan Ravensburg (played by Scott Lutz), Ghoul. Ravensberg is an accomplished chemist in service to the Toreador Primogen Magritte Tousaint. He has successfully created a number of blood-based recreational pharmaceuticals fit for Kindred consumption. The blood sources are entirely human and have passed Ravensburg's own quality control measures. The products he develops have pleasant effects upon one's mood and body.

Simon Kunstler (played by Ben Bennett), Brujah. Kunstler is a newcomer to Boston, having been only long enough to be introduced. He is another philosophical Brujah, though it is clear that his education comes from less well-known Western cultures.

Stephen Nichols (played by Chris Smith), Tremere. Nichols is a very young Kindred, but he has quite an affinity for the occult arts. He also has a lot of connections in the mortal world, making him very resourceful.

Xavier de Neville (played by Sarah Schlesinger), Ventrue Primogen. De Neville appears to be a young boy of 15 or so. He is, in fact, a very old Ventrue. He is very intense and it is not always clear what de Neville's agenda may be, though he is more approachable than most Ventrue his age. He asks a lot of questions, which are at times seemingly irrelevant. He has recently taken the Primogen position since Fitzgerald's abdication and subsequent relocation to Toronto. Though de Neville does not discuss the issue with anyone.

Yuri Rodchenko (played by Mike Romatelli), Ghoul. Rodchenko is in service to Andrew Andentull. He is very graceful in social circles and often acts as a liaison to Andentull on many matters. He and Jacob Grant make a good team, each handling the two sides of Andentull's affairs.