
The organizational aspects of the local, state and even federal government fall within the character's sphere of control. She can bend and twist the tangle of rules and regulations that seem necessary to run our society as she sees fit. The character may have contacts or allies among government clerks, supervisors, utility workers, road crews, surveyors and numerous other civil servants. 

Locations: City buildings, Registries, etc.

	Cost	Desired Effect
	1	Trace utility bills*
		Fake a birth certificate or driver's license
		Disconnect a small residence's utilities
		Close a small road or park
		Get public aid ($250)
		Fake a death certificate, passport or green card
		Close a public school for a single day
		Turn a single utility on a block on or off
		Shut down a minor business on a violation
	2	Initiate a phone tap
		Initiate a department-wide investigation
		Fake land deeds
		Start, stop or alter a city-wide program or policy
		Shut down a big business on a violation
		Rezone areas
		Obliterate records of a person on a city and
		county level
	3	Arrange a fixed audit of a person or business


Even churches are not without politics and intrigue that an opportunistic Kindred may capitalize upon. Church Influence usually only applies to mainstream faiths, such as Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and the Islamic faith. Sometimes other practices fall under the Occult Influence. Contacts and allies affected by Church Influence include: ministers, bishops, priests, activists, evangelists, witch-hunters, nuns and various church attendees and assistants. 

Locations: Churches, Archdiocese

	Cost	Desired Effect
	1	Identity most secular members of a given
		faith in the local area
		Pass as a minister *
		Peruse general church records (baptism,
		marriage, burial, etc.)
		Identify higher church members
		Track regular congregation members
		Suspend lay members
		Open or close a single church
		Dip into the collection plate ($250)
		Find the average church associated hunter
		Access to private information and archives
		of church
	2	Discredit or suspend higher-level members
		Manipulate regional branches
		Organize major protests
		Access ancient church lore and knowledge
	3	Borrow or access church relics or sacred items
		Utilize the resources of a Diocese


The world is bristling with trappings of money and those who make it. Kindred with the Finance Influence know the language of money and its haunts. They have a degree of access with banks, megacorporations and the truly rich denizens of the world. The character has a wide variety of servants to draw upon, such as CEOs, bankers, corporate yes-men, bank tellers, stock brokers and loan agents. 

Locations: Banks, Insurance firms, Stock Exchange

	Cost	Desired Effect
	1	Earn money; learn about major transac
		tions and financial events
		Raise capital ($1,000)
		Learn about general economic trends*
		Learn real motivations for many financial
		actions of others
		Trace an unsecured small account
		Raise capital to purchase a small business
		(single, small store)
		Purchase a large business (a few small
		branches or a single large store or service)
	2	Manipulate local banking (delay deposits,
		some credit rating alterations)
		Ruin a small business
		Control an aspect of citywide banking
		(shut off ATMs, arrange a bank "holiday")
		Ruin a large business
		Purchase a major company
	3	Spark an economic trend
		Instigate widespread layoffs


In our modern world, a myriad of organizations and resources exist to deal with every mortal ache and ill, at least in theory. The network of health agencies, hospitals, asylums and medical groups is subject to exploitation by a Kindred with Health Influence. Nurses, doctors, specialist, lab workers, therapists, counselors and pharmacists are just a few of the inhabitants of the health field. 

Locations: Hospitals, Health Insurance Organizations, Mental Health Institutes, Pharmaceutical Research Companies, MIT, Harvard Labs

	Cost	Desired Effect
	1	Access a person's health records*
		Utilize public functions of health centers
		at your leisure
		Fake vaccination records and the like
		Get a Blood Trait
		Access to some medical research records
		Have minor lab work done
		Get a copy of coroner's report
		Instigate minor quarantines
		Corrupt results of tests or inspections
		Alter medical records
	2	Acquire a body
		Completely rewrite medical records
		Abuse grants for personal use ($250)
		Have minor medical research performed
		on a subject
		Institute large-scale quarantines
		Shut down businesses for "health code
	3	Have special research projects performed
		Have people institutionalized or released

High Society 

Above the head of the common masses exist an elite clique of mortals that by virtue of birth, possessions, talent or quirks of fate hold themselves above the great unwashed masses. High Society allows the character to direct and utilize the energies and actions of this exceptional mass of mortals. Among their ranks one can find dilettantes, the old rich, movie and rock stars, artists of all sorts, wannabes, fashion models and trendsetters. 

Locations: Clubs, Opera, Conservatories, ???

	Cost	Desired Effect
	1	Learn what is trendy *
		Learn about concerts, shows or plays well
		before they are made public *
		Obtain "hard to get" tickets for shows
		Track most celebrities and luminaries
		Be a local voice in the entertainment field
		"Borrow" $1,000 as idle cash from rich
		Crush promising careers
	2	Hobnob well above your station *
		Minor celebrity status
		Get a brief appearance on MTV
	3	Ruin a new club, gallery, festival or other
		high society gathering


The dark world of the Gothic Punk milieu is built by pumping and grinding machinery and the toil of endless laborers. A character with the Industry Influence has her ashen fingers in this field. Industry is composed of union workers, foremen, engineers, contractors, construction workers and manual laborers. 

Locations:  lower harbor (Gilette, etc), ???

	Cost	Desired Effect
	1	Learn about industrial projects and move-
		ments *
	2	Have minor projects performed
		Arrange small accidents or sabotage
		Dip into union funds or embezzle petty
		cash for $500
	3	Organize minor strikes
		Appropriate machinery for a short time
	4	Close down a small plant
		Revitalize a small plant
	5	Manipulate large local industry
	6	Cut off production of a single resource in
		a small region


The Kindred presence is even present in the hallowed halls of justice and the courts, law schools, law firms and justice bureaus within them. Inhabiting these halls are lawyers, judges, bailiffs, clerks, DAs and attorneys. 

Locations: Courts, DA's office, Harvard Law School

	Cost	Desired Effect
	1	Get free representation for small cases
		Avoid bail for some charges
		Have minor charges dropped
		Manipulate legal procedures
		- small wills
		- minor contracts
		- court dates
		Access public or court funds for $250
		Get representation in most court cases
	2	Issue subpoenas
		Tie up court cases
		Have most legal charges dropped
		Cancel or arrange parole
	3	Close down all but the most serious investigations
		Have deportation proceedings held against


The media serves as the eyes and ears of the world. While few in this day and age doubt that the news is not corrupted, many would be surprised at who closes these eyes and covers these ears from time to time. The media entity is composed of station directions, editors, reporters, anchormen, cameramen, photographers and radio personalities. 

Locations: Newspapers, TV stations (UPN 38, Channel 4, etc)

	Cost	Desired Effect
	1	Learn about breaking stories early *
		Submit small articles (within reason)
	2	Suppress (but not stop) small articles or
		Get hold of investigative reporting infor
	3	Initiate news investigations and reports
		Get project funding and waste it, $250
		Access media production resources
		Ground stories and projects
	4	Broadcast fake stories (local only)


Most people are curious about the supernatural world and the various groups and beliefs that make up the Occult world, but few consider it anything but a hoax, a diversion or a curiosity. They could not be farther from the truth. This Influence more than any other hits the Kindred close to home and could very well bring humanity to its senses about just who and what shares this world with them. Among the Occult community are cult leaders, alternative religious groups, charlatans, would-be occultists and New Agers. 

Locations: Bookstores, Harvard Square, Central Square

	Cost	Desired Effect
	1	Contact and utilize common occult groups,
		Know some of the more visible occult figures *
		Know and contact some of the more obscure
		occult figures *
		Access resources for most rituals and rites
	2	Know the general vicinity of certain super
		natural entities and possibly contact them
		Can access vital or very rare material components
		Milk impressionable wannabes for bucks ($250)
		Access occult tomes and writings (part of an
		alleged Book of Nod)
		Research a Basic Ritual
		Research an Intermediate Ritual
	3	Access minor magic items
		Unearth an Advanced Ritual
	4	Research to find a new or unheard of ritual
		or rite from tomes or mentors


"To protect and to serve" is a popular motto among the chosen enforcers of the law of the land. But in these days, even those ignorant to the presence of the Kindred have reason to doubt the ability of the people who put their lives on the line daily on the common man's behalf. Perhaps they should wonder who they protect, who they serve and why. The Police Influence encompasses the likes of beat cops, desk jockeys, prison guards, special divisions (such as SWAT and homicide), detectives and various clerical positions. 

Locations: scattered throughout city, Boston Police HQ

	Cost 	Desired Effect
	1	Learn about of police procedures *
		Police information and rumors
		Avoid traffic tickets
		Have license plates checked
		Avoid minor violations (first conviction)
		Get "inside information"
		Find bureau secrets
		Get copies of an investigation report
		Have police hassle, detain or harass someone
	2	Access confiscated weapons or contraband
		Start an investigation
		Get money, either from evidence room or
		as an appropriation ($1,000)
		Have some serious charges dropped
		Institute major investigations
		Arrange set ups
		Instigate bureau investigations
		Have officers fired
	3	Paralyze departments for a time
		Have a major investigation closed down


It is said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. If this is so, the movers and shakers among the Kindred should be quite taken by the artful and cutthroat antics of their mortal counterparts in the field of politics. Some of these individuals include statesmen, pollsters, activists, party members, lobbyists, candidates and the politicians themselves. 

Locations: State Congress, local government

	Cost	Desired Effect
	1	Minor lobbying
		Identify real platforms of politicians and
		parties *
		Be in the know *
		Meet small time politicians
		Have a forewarning of processes, laws and
		the like
		Utilize a slush fund or fund raiser, $1,000
		Sway or alter political projects (local parks,
		renovations, small construction)
	2	Enact minor legislation
		Dash careers of minor politicians
		Get your candidate in a minor office
		Enact more encompassing legislature
	3	Block the passage of major bills
		Suspend major laws, temporarily
		Utilize state bureaus or subcommittees
		Usurp county-wide politics
		Subvert, to a moderate degree, statewide
	4	Call out a local division of the National
		Declare a state of emergency in a region


Disenchanted, disenfranchised and ignored by their "betters", an undercurrent of humanity has made its own culture and lifestyle to deal with the harsh lot life has dealt them. In the dark alleys and slums, one will find gang members, the homeless, street performers, petty criminals, prostitutes and the forgotten. 

Locations:  all over the place, mainly in seedier areas, though

	Cost	Desired Effect
	1	Has an ear open for the word on the street
		Identify most gangs and know their turfs
		and habits
		Can live without fear for the most part on
		the underside of society
		Has a contact or two in most aspects of
		street life
		Can access small-time contraband
		Often gets insight on other areas of influence
		Can arrange some services from street
		people or gangs
		Can get pistols or uncommon melee weapons
	2	Can mobilize groups of homeless
		Panhandle or hold a "collection" ($250)
		Respected among gangs, can have a word
		in almost all aspects  of their organization
		Can get hold of a shotgun, rifle or SMG
		Can control a single medium sized gang
	3	Arrange impressive protests by street


The world is in constant motion. It's apparent that prosperity is greatly based on the fact that people and productions fly, float or roll to and from every corner of the planet. Without the means to perform this monumental task, our "small" world quickly returns to a daunting orb with large, isolated stretches. The forces that keep this circulation in motion include: cab and bus drivers, pilots, air traffic control lers, travel firms, sea captains, conductors, border guards and untold others. 

Locations: Logan Airport, Harbor, Transit Authority - the T, Port Authority, North and South Station, Mass Pike.

	Cost	Desired Effect
	1	A wizard at what goes where, when and why
		Can travel locally quickly and freely *
		Can track an unwary target if they use
		non-personal transportation
		Arrange safe (or at least concealed) pas
		sage against mundane threats (sunlight,
		robbery, etc.)
		Seriously hamper an individual's ability to
		Avoid most supernatural dangers when
		travelling (such as hunters and Garou)
	2	Temporarily shut down one form of
		transportation (bus lines, ship, plane,
		train, etc.)
		Route money your way ($500)
		Reroute major modes of travel
		Engage in smuggling with impunity
	3	Extend control to nearby areas
		Isolate small or remote regions for a short


Even in the most cosmopolitan of ages, society has found some needs and services too questionable or simply unacceptable. In every age, some organized effort has stepped in to provide for this demand regardless of the risks. Among this often ruthless and dangerous crowd are the likes of hitmen, Mafia, Yakuza, bookies, fencers and launderers. 

Location: North End, Chinatown, Beacon Hill, scattered over city in small areas.

	Cost	Desired Effect
	1	Locate minor contraband (knives, small
		time drugs, petty gambling, scalped tickets,
		Can get hold of pistols, serious drugs, stolen
		cars, etc.
		Can hire muscle to ruff someone up
		Fence minor loot
		Prove that crime pays (and score $1,000)
		Get hold of rifle, shotgun or SMG
		Arrange a minor "hit"
		Know someone in the Family
	2	White-collar crime connections
		Arrange gangland assassinations
		Get the service of a demolition man or
	3	Supply local drug needs


We live in an information age, and the quest for learning and knowledge begins in schools, colleges and universities. University Influence represents a certain degree of control and perhaps involvement in these institutions. Within this sphere of Influence, one will find the teachers, professors, deans, students of all ages and levels, Greek orders and many young and impressionable minds. 

Locations: Boston's many universities

	Cost	Desired Effect
	1	Know layout and policy of local schools *
		Get records up to the high school level
		Know a contact or two with useful knowl
		edge or skills
		Minor access to facilities
		Fake high school records
		Obtain college records
		Faculty favors
		Cancel a class
		Fix grades
		Discredit a student
	2	Organize student protests and rallies
		Discredit faculty members
		Acquire money through a grant ($1,000)
		Falsify an undergraduate degree
	3	Arrange major projects
		Alter curriculum institution-wide
		Free run of facilities