To: Archon Damiel, in service to Ventrue Justicar Ariel
From: Jonathan Fitzgerald, Ventrue Clan Elder
Re: requested update
As per your request, I am summarizing my observations about the greater Boston area, particularly the last 3 years. As I have no further interests (financial or otherwise) in Boston, do with the information what you will.
First, know that Boston is a very different city than it was 3 years ago in many ways, particularly with respect to Kindred affairs. As you know, the Boston Camarilla has been very active in controlling the greater area and has enjoyed great success in making Boston's streets free of Sabbat control.
However, about 3 years ago, events unfolded that we can thankfully look back upon with relief, though Thomas later seemed to feel that suffering through the experience was decidedly unpleasant. Apparently, the Sabbat, feeling that the Boston Camarilla was too powerful a threat to attack head-on, attempted to inhabit with intent to control the nearby town of Worcester. As you know, Worcester Kindred history is directly tied to the advent of industry that burgeoned there in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, but its economy finally collapsed in the fashion which is common to towns whose well-being is tied to interests that do not change with the times. The industry that was Worcester's life's blood began to run dry in the age of economic opportunism - transportation costs choked the mills and factories and refineries. Once the money well dried up, so did the high society Worcester had enjoyed - the city's collapse as an economic power was inevitable. Leaving only a handful of educational facilities, Worcester eased itself into a suburban bedtown of academia - a status that has waned over the years as a couple of the lesser endowed facilities have closed due to economic instability.
In the wake of Worcester's recession from state power, the Boston Camarilla instituted a supervised, provisional Camarilla government, which was led at that time by Gangrel Prince Roderick. We did not entirely approve of the choice, but Roderick was the most obvious leader among those available and he was very qualified in that he had been very successful Anti-Sabbat strategist. The fact that he was Gangrel made his Princedom an added benefit (Worcester is that last large urban area before the Lupine territory). He was able to enlist the help of a few handpicked Kindred with whom he would mount a strong Camarilla presence; these included James Winchester (Tremere), Jean D’Enfer (Toreador), and Tasmin (Brujah, a protégé of Lavone Streck of Providence). Though our presence in the area was mostly to give Boston a buffer zone against the Lupines, we of course hoped that we could extend the Camarilla's control by building upon Boston's stability. The policy worked reasonably well for a number of years (well into the late 1980's), although our hopes for expansion were never fully realized due to the decentralization of Kine population in the area. As people spread out into the surrounding suburban areas, Roderick's ability to maintain a marginal feeding population decreased. However, Worcester excelled as a buffer zone, keeping the Lupines far enough away from Boston so as to allow us in the city to focus our efforts against the Sabbat.
However, Roderick became obviously dissatisfied with Worcester's failure to become a valued Camarilla presence. Sure, Boston felt that Worcester served a noble purpose, but Roderick imagined that Worcester would become something more than a buffer zone. When he realized that the elders of Boston were not going to devote their influences into Worcester as he had been led to believe they would, Roderick became estranged from the Camarilla. Well, not estranged perhaps, but rather…reclusive. Tensions between Boston and Worcester began to mount quickly.
In an effort to resolve the hostilities, I sent in some representatives to try to get a handle on the issue. Attempts to communicate with Roderick were futile, however, and the first 3 ghouls I sent over to Worcester were never heard from again (of course, I did not send my best ghouls, of course, so it was not as great a loss as you might think). I have since heard rumors of them being used in some odd occult experiments of some kind, conducted by Roderick himself. As a result of these rumors, the Board suspected that Roderick was perhaps seduced by the allure of an occult power and that his eventual demise (witnessed in a Kindred meeting - more on that later) was engineered by the Worcester Primogen in an effort to "put him down", as one would put down a rabid animal. I would normally have laid the matter to rest, except that one of my advisors, Jurl, suggested that there were other more infernal influences at work in Roderick's situation. For the few times that he has been right, I have found it valuable to not dismiss Jurl’s claims, though I must admit the idea of an infernal presence in the greater Boston area is a bit beyond his usual fantasies and quite beyond my expertise.
It was then that the Gangrel Primogen came to me with the news of potentially disastrous events in Worcester. The Lupines had informed her that the Lupine's wisest seers envisioned a cancer of evil growing in Worcester, strangling the life from it in an inky blackness - and it was starting as a fatal Kindred disease. I was initially confused as to why Lupines would consider a fatal Kindred disease to be a bad thing (after all, they hunt us down every chance they get - why not let a disease do the deed for them?). I soon discovered, however, that the Lupines believed "the leeches" were only the infancy of the cancer and that its disaster might eventually spread to humans as well. Moreover, they believe that the disease was born of evil magic and suggesting that it was perhaps manufactured somehow (I am unsure of this interpretation, though. The words used to describe the situation were something on the order of "not of this realm", which has been commonly interpreted as "manufactured". It may have turned out to be an apt description though, as you'll find out later).
At first we did not fully believe the Lupine's claims. But reports began to come in from the Boston Tremere elder Leopold Kalgar (via James Winchester) about some terribly horrific symptoms the Worcester Kindred were suffering. Under the turn of events, the Lupines and the Boston Kindred became unwitting allies, as we all realized the necessity to work together on this matter. A "magical" disease could not be ignored.
It was the Lupines’ idea to enact a blockade around Worcester, which was enforced by them until a cure for the disease (and eradication of the cause) could be found. But such a service would require the Boston Camarilla to yield specific land holdings, dismantle some local industrial efforts, fund certain charitable organizations whose charters were almost without exception environmental cleanup efforts, including those in the Charles and the harbor. When we balked at their plans they threatened to "bring blankets to Boston" as an alternative. The native Indian humor was not lost on us - they were threatening no less than to bring the disease itself to Kindred of Boston on purpose, with all malice intended. It was a skillful manipulation, one that has taught me to not dismiss the Lupines’ political agenda outright. Of course, we had precious little choice but to comply with their first plan, whose terms were fairly stiff. Many Primogen lost land holdings around the greater Massachusetts area and were forced to develop the land for park, recreational, and wildlife preserve usage. The Primogen of Boston decided that the elders in Worcester would pay out much of the cost of the bargain - after all it was they whose lives we were saving. As you can imagine, they were none too pleased with neither the bargain nor the imposed blockade. But they found themselves without bargaining power. Their anger at us formed the first public display of independence from Boston.
Communication came infrequently due to the high tensions between Worcester and Boston. We did our best to support them by sending as much help as we could, which wasn’t much given the blockade and the understandable hesitance at exposing ourselves to the disease. We were, however, able to get through one good Ventrue protégé of mine, Tristram Rader (who now works in your organization, I believe). He formed a team to investigate a cure for the disease, enlisting the help of a few other local Kindred. During this time, the Sabbat who were planning an attack on Worcester decided to delay, fearing the risk of disease. Eventually, as it turned out, they vacated Worcester completely when the disease became aggressive. This comes as no surprise to you, I’m sure, Damiel as it is widely known that Sabbat frequently engage in sharing blood. In that kind of culture, blood diseases are particularly risky.
Meanwhile, Tristram's research developed slowly and many of the elders were hit harder by the disease than the younger Kindred. As far as I have been informed, the disease first causes traumatic nightmares that cause dreaming frenzies in Kindred, waking up in the evening having sweat out a good amount of blood (progressively more blood as the disease takes its toll). This continues until the thirst can no longer be supported quickly enough and the Hunger overtakes takes them and, as one might expect, eventually going mad with bloodlust. This is what was reported when Roderick attacked one of his own Primogen. Eventually, of course, the hunger cannot be satisfied and the Kindred simply turns to ash, a victim of the ravages of the Beast. Tristram tells me that the effects of the disease have changed his outlook on life permanently. I don’t know about that, but I can say he has changed a bit since the experience - he’s a bit more ruthless. Damned good experience for him, I’d say. I’m sure it taught him a thing or two about getting things done.
Taking advantage of the unfortunate vacancy, we in Boston supported a Ventrue, Maxamillion, as Prince. As it turns out, Maxamillion had quite a rigid code of ethics that guided him to hold an election, rather than asserting himself as Prince. I believe he did this to gather power through popular support, rather than through the usual means of assertion. Though he was elected (thanks to Tristram's efforts), the notion of an elected Prince did him more harm than good in the long run, never really having gained the respect that comes with taking control of Kindred politics by effective use of one's power. I suppose this is proof that even Kindred need to be treated like sheep sometimes.
Once some measure of stability began to prevail, research on the cure for the disease continued at a more encouraging pace. It is unfortunate, however, that during this time many Kindred, feeling the disease's threat of Final Death, began to succumb to the ravages of the Beast. Chaos and paranoia claimed a few Kindred lives, unfortunately, including some of the elders, including Winchester and D'Enfer. Luckily, through the efforts of an eminent Kindred researcher and Tristram's management, the collective research effort finally arrived at a solution to the problem - a formula of sorts that cured the disease. It was promptly distributed amongst the Kindred population and then placed into the drinking water supply, just in case the disease was transmittable by humans. I do not know who entirely was involved in the effort, as Tristram was not entirely forthcoming (he became upset at me over some small personal matters, the substance of which is largely irrelevant). But It was determined that the disease seemed to be partly magical and partly organic, supposedly developed by Roderick himself in an effort to fight the Sabbat. One can only assume that the disease was meant for the Sabbat only, but that Roderick’s attempts failed, creating a disease that affected a wider demographic. At least, this is how the matter was laid to rest. There seemed little advantage to trying to find definitive proof in this matter; Roderick was dead and the disease was cured, which was good enough for Boston.
Tristram then went to great lengths to track down remaining contained samples of the disease and to see that they were destroyed. We eliminated every sample we found and I shudder to think of what might happen if another still existed. It is my understanding that many of the people involved in the research effort were made friends by the experience, but later had somewhat of a falling out over Camarilla business differences - I am unsure of the details on this, as at the time Tristram was under Ariel’s employ. I am sure you have Tristram's reports on file. Regardless, the blueprints for the cure have been shared with our eminent Tremere elder, Leopold, and a few others as well. We seem to be well protected should another outbreak of similar fashion arise.
After the blockade was lifted, most Kindred took the opportunity to leave Worcester. The elders with which we had contact either left or dropped out of sight. Who can blame them, really? Though we tried to maintain our presence there, most favored the chance to get out of town. In absence of strong Camarilla control, some enterprising Kindred decided to fill the void in an attempt to gain power in what they felt was an unregulated zone. Some Anarchs hid from Camarilla trackers, but they were soon ferreted out and dealt with appropriately. Tristram and a couple of others, whose names were kept from me, opened up a nightclub. I often wondered whom Tristram chose to get involved with business-wise. Whomever they were, they were kept well out of financial sight (at least out of my sight, which is quite a considerable feat), most likely by Tristram himself. I am to understand the business was quite successful, although the name of the club was "Gehenna", which was arguably a breach of Camarilla Traditions. We kept our eye on the newspapers and watched for any dangerous behavior, but we mostly kept out of their way. After all, if they wished to attract vampire hunters with their behavior, let them - it would be their own funeral.
In Camarilla business under Maxamillion's rule, a lasting stability had hardly been reached. The Anarchs got in bed with the local Brujah and began to cause trouble and the new Camarilla hierarchy had its hands full. If you ask me, Maxamillion should have exercised his power as an example to everyone by executing seditious activists. Instead, he allowed the Worcester Kindred to roll over him and flaunt their defiance.
That’s when Wolf Jaeger came to Worcester. Jaeger was a visionary businessman whose strategy was decidedly long-term. He owned a company called Artemis, Inc. which bought up environmentally unsound land, developed cleanup technology to make the land better, and turned around and sold licenses to the developed technology and the much improved land they had just processed (at a substantial markup from what they bought it). When he moved to Worcester, he bought an old house that used to belong to Maxamillion, strengthening the opinion that he was in fact a hunter of Kindred.
Artemis had just bought up a section of land around the Indian Lake, claiming that they had discovered a toxic waste spill in the vicinity. Their stated intention was to clean it up and donate the land to wildlife preserve. However, Jaeger's activities apparently also caught the local Lupines’ suspicions and they investigated him thoroughly. What they found did not please them at all - so much so that they decided to enlist Maxamillion's help in their investigations - the second time in Boston history that the Lupines have approached the Kindred in such a fashion. With our help, they discovered that Artemis was in fact responsible for the dumping of the poison into the lake in the first place. Jaeger’s motives began to appear complex and suspicious, claiming no knowledge, but refusing to allow outsiders to help out in the toxic waste cleanup effort.
After some more investigation into his work, it was discovered that Jaeger knew of the existence of vampires, when he began threatening to expose Maxamillion and others if they did not allow his business to buy up many of the available real estate in the area. Though Jaeger claimed no interest in Kindred affairs, we could hardly ignore his threats against us. We instructed Maxamillion to put up a little resistance to Jaeger, but eventually "lose" to his influences. Meanwhile, Tristram helped engineer a plan to slowly discredit his sanity (Jaeger it seems had always been a bit on the unbelievable side. His claims of vampires, once his lawyers and close co-workers had been "influenced", would be considered proof enough of his committal to a top-notch medical facility). It is a shame that while undergoing psychiatric care, he committed suicide late one evening. I am to understand Jaeger blamed all his problems on an Artemis executive vice-president, who had arranged Jaeger’s troubles. In an effort to be thorough, the two have been neutralized.
After the Artemis incident Maxamillion managed to keep control, although I think it was due more to the fact that there was enough infighting to keep people from ganging up on him. I had reports from my ghoul agents that there were unsupported rumors of continued infernal occult influence, possibly even at the hands of a not-yet-dead Winchester. However, other claims attributed the chaos to the some Malkavians who got their hands on some Tremere magicks. Either rumor is difficult to substantiate or believe. After a short time, the Camarilla managed to finally be on its way to a proper and lasting control. We in Boston began regular communications with Worcester again.
It was then in the summer of 1996 that everyone in Worcester had mysteriously vanished. I remember it well because I took it upon myself to contact Maxamillion and oversee Camarilla business affairs between Boston and Worcester. He had mentioned to me in the early summer that the Kindred population was shrinking to more manageable levels. And then one day in mid-June I called him, only to find out that his number had been disconnected due to payment default. His assets had been sold quietly with little lead as to where Maxamillion went. At first we suspected Sabbat problems again and we sent in some ghouls to do so investigating, but we found no Kindred in the city. We even sent in some Kindred to confirm this personally. If there were vampires, they did a damned good job make sure they weren’t discovered.
The Boston Primogen held a meeting to discuss the matter. In the midst of our discussion, I received a note from one of my ghouls. It was an invitation to attend a party in Worcester. Here is the text:
Vitae Sub Tenebras A series of collected works from 1498 to 1896 Your presence, by invitation only, is requested at this very poignant exhibit which illuminates the Cainite experience. I hope you will take advantage of the event to socialize with the members of the Worcester Camarilla community and indulge yourself with the local underground culture. Antoinette DeMaurepais Clan Toreador, Prince of Worcester RSVP |
I was astounded. So were the Primogen. Under our close scrutiny, Worcester had gone from being without any trace of Kindred influence or presence to having the air of established civility. But of course, the question we all asked was "Who was Antoinette DeMaurepais?" We decided to each send in some of our more expendable ghouls to attend the party by proxy. We certainly weren’t going to appear in person.
All reports of the party were confusing. There seemed to be something going on but no one seemed to know just what. The Prince, Madame DeMaurepais, turned out to be a woman with impressive presence. The evening culminated in the appearance of Tristram Rader (or what people thought was Tristram) crucified on the cross of wood. I am most interested to hear Tristram’s side of the story, as I understand he is doing well for one who was supposedly crucified. A note left nearby left claim to the event courtesy of the Sabbat. No doubt they wanted to use Tristram’s appearance to shock the Kindred watching. I understand the faux-Tristram left an awful mess for all to watch after his heart exploded.
Since that event, reports of odd, vaguely supernatural occurrences came to us with regularity. Reports of ghouls being spontaneously "embraced" into becoming Kindred and heavenly as well as infernal angels came with alarming frequency. Some have even claimed that Gehenna happened (just how does Gehenna happen, anyway?). I have not been able to substantiate any of the claims, but I understand that you have since been successful at acquiring some of the first-hand witnesses of the supposed events. If you can share some of those findings with me, I would be most appreciative. When dealing with Worcester-related issues, closure has a rare and valuable luxury.
Despite the lack of Ventrue Kindred in Worcester, we decided to maintain a healthy distance, yield investigation to the Gangrel Auguste Marceau, whose official Camarilla authority seemed at first questionable, but he soon proved his worth. We were content to leave the matter of investigation to him. However, when the rumors of rampant Sabbat activity began, we could no longer justify our absence in Worcester and decided it was time to exert some measure of direct control. Using our contacts in the greater New England area, we discovered that many of Madame DeMaurepais' guests were in fact Sabbat spies. I believe you also sent some ghouls into the city to begin an official Camarilla investigation and question the Prince about her background. I do not know what became of such efforts. It is the opinion of Boston’s Prince and Primogen that she was behind most of the Sabbat activity. I had suspected this for a long time; it is well known that Toreador care less about the political distinction between the Sabbat and Camarilla than most Camarilla members. However, whether or not she was Sabbat herself has yet to be determined. The Boston Prince felt that if we approached the matter slowly and subtly, rather than in a reactionary fashion, we might be able to round up any latent Sabbat presence as well as DeMaurepais. Thus, we in Boston decided to handle the matter gently, hoping that we could lure DeMaurepais into feeling safe while we moved our pieces into place, readying our move.
I then heard reports that something strange occurred that solved the matter entirely. I use the word "strange" because those reports I have heard are not entirely believable in nature, reporting that "angels had delivered Worcester from destruction" - these are not my words, mind you. The rest of the story claims that for a brief time, all the Kindred in Worcester were offered some sort of metaphysical choice between law and chaos, the choices of which would have significant impact upon the rest of the world. Some still have claimed that they were witness to the birth of Gehenna - a sobering thought to be sure. These rumors are almost assuredly apocryphal. We have no more evidence of Gehenna than we did three years ago, Damiel. In fact, we have more reason to believe that the incident was nothing more than an elaborate Malkavian-induced hysteria. Regardless of what actually happened, the event put an end to the chaos in Worcester and any speculation regarding Gehenna, angels, or otherwise is mere academic at this point.
While I have found no reason to regard the incident with any more import than an American sporting event, there does seem to be a lasting effect on those who were present in Worcester during the "rapture". As I pointed out earlier, I had agents in the Worcester area at the time who served Worcester Kindred but also provided me with an ear to the city. Upon completion of her duties in Worcester, one particular of mine returned to me to resume her function here in Boston. However, she returned from Worcester in a most foul mood, distant and uncooperative. I requested her report on events in Worcester, as was expected. She claimed she didn't understand it herself and just pulled away from me. Had she not been fully Blood Bound to me at the time I would have understood perhaps her attitude. But given that she was mine and had been for some time, her resistance to me seemed so insolent and unexpected it was almost comical. I did not know how to deal with it immediately.
The next evening, I decided that if she were not forthcoming with details, that I would have to teach her a lesson in obedience. It is bad form to allow Ghouls, however emotionally distraught, to push their masters around. I sent for her early, so as to chastise her in front of the early evening staff as an example. But surprisingly, she had departed in the early morning, taking her close belongings with her. I do not know where she went or what happened to her to make her so estranged from me. But her behavior was most erratic.
And I have not seen her since that night.
We no longer have communication with Worcester - I do not know what became of the Madam. My Ghouls that go through on occasion are not aware of any Kindred activity in the city to speak of. Of course, there are always rumors, which I have not paid any mind since your offer to join your staff (leaving Boston is taking more of my effort than I would appreciate). I suggest sending your own agent through the area if you want more information about Worcester.
In Boston, we have experienced an apparent victory over the Sabbat. The Prince has made great strides in rooting out Sabbat strongholds as of late. We expect his success comes from a good relationship with the Nosferatu elder. It is well known that the two are at least civil with each other it should come as no surprise that they are very likely have the most experience with Boston itself (both of them having lived here longer than anyone I can think of).
Of course, much of the Prince's success can be attributed also to his Childe Samuel Remington, who has acted as the prince's right hand. Samuel personally led the trek into the depths of the Sabbat territories to great. Though I was not personally involved, I am to understand that the last raid Samuel planned was one of the largest to date. Somehow, the Prince found out the location of the Sabbat nest (within the recess of the Chinatown T station) and Samuel, the Gangrel, the Brujah, and a few other obligatory observers journeyed deep within, hoping the element of surprise would catch them off guard. They managed to get that station shut down for repairs one night in October, just before Halloween. It was wise to shut the area down for I have heard reports of the scores of Sabbat victims who perished in the raid. It was a great victory. Moreover, since that night, there have been no detectable traces of Sabbat presence anywhere in the greater Boston area. Even the Prince's Malkavian advisor seems to agree.
However great a victory, it came at a price. Many of the raiding party suffered Final Death during the fight including Samuel himself. The Prince is said to be in a terrible state of grief over the loss of his only Childe. No, I almost forgot, the Prince has yet another Childe Andrew Andentull, whom most people overlook as a matter of tradition. Samuel may just as well have been his only Childe - his grief is certainly as great.
As for the Sabbat, the best anyone can figure is that either we were effective enough wear down their numbers or they have simply left the area of their own accord. Wiser minds do not jump to conclusions, but the Prince is claiming victory nonetheless.
In any sense, Boston Kindred have silently turned their attentions on their more subtle enemies - those from within the Camarilla. It is sad that we choose to conflict with each other as much as we do, but it is all part of the Jyhad, isn’t it? I suppose that if Gehenna did happen in Worcester, we can no more stop it than we can stop the slow cultural changes that often make Kindred obsolete and old-fashioned.
All things change, don’t they, Damiel?