"The path to a brighter future"

Dan Martins

Stuff of little or no interest to anyone:

Work Information

My favorite links

Contact Information

Personal Interests



Work Information

Network Consultant

Yep...I am one of those freeking consultants everybody is always complaining about. I work out of the waltham-boston area and I make the computers go. Thats all I am gonna say about work...oh yeah except commuting sucks.

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My favorite links

Tori Amos



The Onion


Church of the SubGenius

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Contact Information

Electronic mail address:

Well I have a few...some permanent, some maybe not so permanent, here they are:

danarchy@gweep.net, dmartins@everynetwork.com, danarchy@danarchy.net

Office phone

(508) 795-2838

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Personal Interests

The biggest part of my life aside from work and school, is theatre. I am actively involved with WPI theatre and was previously involved with high school and community theatre. What part of theatre? Well, all of them really. I don't delude myself, I know I'm not a great actor, but hey it's fun so I try. Also, I am a consummate techie. I have been involved with lighting, audio, directing, producing, set construction, set design, running crew, and my real love...stage managing. I am part of WPI's Masque, Alpha Psi Omega, and MWRep. Without these organizations around to help me blow off some steam I think I would probably already have had a nervous breakdown or two.

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Yeah I have a few. Some are even Web aware. I'll list 'em for you and maybe even give you a brief synopses of who they are.

Dan - Dan has been my roommate for the past 5 years. We are the perfect roommates, neither of us gives a damn about much of anything, so we don't get pissed off real easily. And if we do get pissed off we can be pretty blunt with each other without having to worry about somebody getting upset. Dan is an electrical engineer turned System Administrator, and does some electronic music on the side.

Dawn - Dawn is like one of my bestest friends in the world. Everybody should know Dawn, and people who already do should get to know her better. She is just that cool...even if she does hate me and keeps linking to my crappy ass page in her blog.

Todd - I believe one of the best descriptions I ever heard for Todd was "He's a total anti-guy." This is not to say that he is gay, he is most definitely not, but he's got the 'nice guy syndrome' taken to an extreme degree. He is also a former System Administrator, and is currently a software engineer at Cascade.

Jeremy - Jeremy is Todd's roommate and is another way cool guy. He is a rocket scientist turned System Administrator(am I seeing a trend here?) Jeremy is one of the first people I met at WPI and when I met him, he had a wrench in one hand and a light in the other. See...Jeremy is full time sys admin and a part time lighting designer.

Helene - Helene is by far one of the coolest people in the world. She is one of the most responsible people I know, yet at the same time she is also the most likely to be in a lick fight at any given moment. She's been around WPI for quite a long time and has lots of great stories. She has also been just about everywhere else in the world even if she won't admit it.

Tom - Tom is a pretty cool guy. He is quieter than I am and that is pretty damn quiet. He works for the man at Lucent, and as far as I can tell spends most of his time debugging other peoples code. He is a big fan of folk music, and is a diehard Sarah McLachlan fan. He has also been known to spend a bit of time at the computer taking over the world in Red Alert.

Partially Updated: 5/7/97