Random Selections of Poetry

No, these aren't randomly created poems (that is another page). This is a random grab from a selection of poems, mostly by myself, but with some inclusions from other folks: friends who write; friends who used to write; writers who are obscure-but-meaningful-to-me; famous writers. One advantage of this format is that, when there are variations of a poem that I haven't settled upon, I can include them all and let people give me feedback as to what they think.

At night
   I feel "at peace"...
   as if i held you.
Last night
   I took a long, late stroll,
   like I used to do
That night
   it felt just like years ago,
   when I had you.
Dark night
   concealed me while watching
   your old house make
   our ghosts come true.
Pain night:
   ...to wake without you there -
   run to the window
   and see the moon...
   The streets are calling my name
   -as I get my coast- in
   your voice; I search for you.

                                 -- (92, printed in _Pathways_)

Reload this page for another poem, or hang out for an hour.

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