Joe "Catfish" Provo's Perpetually Transmogrifying Web lou-WOW!

I don't know about your brain- but mine is really bossy.
I come home from a day on the golf course and I find all these messages scribbled on wrinkled up scraps of paper
And they say thing like: Why don't you get a real job?
Or: You and what army?
Or: Get a horse.

-Laurie Anderson

Every page on the net is "under construction". These pages are "under mutation"; they change every time they are visited, barring a few nescessary constants. If you're lazy enough to stay here fifteen minutes and your browser supports META tags, we'll reload the page for you.

Service offer: send me unsolicited, "bulk" (commercial or non) email, and I'll proof it for 50 dollars a line! See here for more info on my valuable offer!

If you want to be blackholed at the mail server, thou dissembling unchin-snouted hedge-pig, send mail to my old flame-bucket or to an old address. If you don't like something about these pages, or wish to correlate address scraping thou artless folly-fallen miscreant, send mail to my current flame-bucket. If you like something about these pages, send mail to web-comment where scraped appears in the mailto link.

These pages look just great with Lynx. Download your own copy of Lynx Now!

Totally Random Crimson Fact Number Five:
He was born in Virginia, but has no accent.


I suggest you visit Bill Marr's Survey Central.

Want more spew? Your's phone's ringing. It's your PlanetGlobalCyberVillageVirtual sales person

And as a parting shot, a sample from the Weekly World Spew's concert, club and music classifieds:

Weekly World Spew
Concert, Club and Music Classifieds
You won't want to miss this year's "Legalize Speed" Benefit!

Damn the Deans
Kid Women's Quadriplegic Fighter
Mixing Chomp
Forward with Chicks
The Slow Crimson Snacks
 . . . with Billy Bob riding the Tilt-a-Whirl 6 Times!
Call  (328) 555-6745 for tickets!

You won't want to miss next Tuesday's Lamerpalooza!

Wolf Wang
Resolute E
Scratch Tiger
The Junqueees
The Antidote
 . . . with Fresca Quaffing weirdos!

Live at Moe's!
 Shrill Earthquake
Mantis Pants!
  M.C. Soopa-Spiffy!
    and Nick Danger and the KRad Boys!

Scratch Elephant
 takin' the stage with
 the masters of rap:
The Lamp Band
