Blind Dogs like you can't run into my wall
You can't comprehend or understand it at all
You run off track, but as far as you're concerned
You're on your own narrow track, it's what you have learned
You stand up and bark out where you stand
But you can't live without your feeding hand
The sun hits your eye where it once shone
Can you admit you have a wall of your own
What will happen when you're let off your leash
Will you go with the first person to offer you a piece
Of something substantial which should give you a hunch
That doesn't prove true until they're serving you for lunch
This file is part of The GweepNet Indie Music Archive. GIMA is personally maintained by its caretakers, not by the featured bands. Any lyrics, sound clips, images or other materials in the archive have been included with the permission of the appropriate bands. Any reproductions made without the written consent of the authors is strictly prohibited. If you have any comments, suggestions, or ideas for additions to these pages, drop one of us (or all of us -- email is good) a note.
If you're in the Worcester area, try dialing up The GweepNet IV BBS, (508) 791-6903, and experience "our living room on the net."