Last modified on April 18, 1997.
(November 1995, Apostrophe Records cassette #APS133)
(November 1995, Apostrophe Records 7" #APS134)
(July 1994, Apostrophe Records 7" & cassette #APS132)
(November 1993, Apostrophe Records cassette #APS131)
(February 1993, Apostrophe Records cassette #APS130 -- out of print)
This file is part of The GweepNet Indie Music Archive. GIMA is personally maintained by its caretakers, not by the featured bands. Any lyrics, sound clips, images or other materials in the archive have been included with the permission of the appropriate bands. Any reproductions made without the written consent of the authors is strictly prohibited. If you have any comments, suggestions, or ideas for additions to these pages, drop one of us (or all of us -- email is good) a note.