Anyway, I finally got all the specs together, and my next challenege was to design a piece of programmable logic which would produce the proper output signals. It was very tedious to convert all the microsecond specifications into numbers of clock cycles. When the clock speed for the project changed, I had to recompute all of them! So, I got wise and implemented this spreadsheet for it. I placed it on the world wide web so others could benefit from it.
Here are two example jpg snapshots of the spreadsheet, with different clock speeds. Maybe you can use it for one of your projects! Cell B2 is where you enter the clock speed. Cell C6 contains the number of horizontal pixels you would like to draw. Everything else is automatically generated for you!
This first example is for the common 14.31818 MHz clock which is often used for video circuits:
This next example is for a 33.333 MHz Digital Signal Processor chip, which
could be coaxed into generating video!